Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 185 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 185 Everything is Calculated (38)

People around were rushing in and out, Zhuge Liang just stared at Yan Huan on the hospital bed, his eyes filled with distress.

If possible, he would rather suffer himself.

The emergency room was in a hurry, and Zhuge Liang was isolated outside the door, waiting anxiously.

The nurse with the test sheet hurried out of the elevator and trotted over with a strange expression on her face.

"Commander! Miss Lin's blood was found to contain unknown components!"

unknown ingredients?

Zhuge Liang took the test sheet in her hand.

There is one more ingredient name.

That is……

It is the ingredient of the energy core required by Suzaku fan!
Zhuge Liang's face instantly turned pale!
His voice was so sharp that he couldn't believe it!

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the test results? I did a test at the municipal hospital last time, and no abnormal ingredients were found!"

The little nurse was frightened by him, and her tone was a little aggrieved, "The medical department of the base can test for metal and crystal components, but other hospitals can't do it..."

Zhuge Liang held the test sheet and stood there dumbfounded.

The core is actually in Lin Yao's heart? !
how is this possible? !

It is impossible for the Jina people not to know how important this core is to Starship Team!

Instead of destroying the core, instead of trying to implant it into Lin Yao's heart?

Why is that?
Doubts abound.

Zhuge Liang still couldn't believe that this ingredient was the core ingredient required by the Suzaku Fan.

He had a cold face, a sullen expression, and a low tone.

"Bring me a computer here, quick!"

The little nurse nodded hurriedly, turned around and ran out with the wind on her feet, and came back grabbing a computer after a while.

"Give you."

Zhuge Liang turned on the computer, frowned, and logged into the internal database of Starship Troops.

Yang Nuan uploaded the energy core component analysis table for the Suzaku fan, which was put on the top row.

He almost opened it with shaking hands.


It was an unknown component in Lin Yao's blood.

At the moment when the war was about to start, he finally found the energy core, which greatly improved the chances of winning the battle, but Zhuge Liang couldn't be happy.

Take the core out of her heart, how could she survive?
Sacrifice her...

Can't do it.

The door of the emergency room opened, Zhuge Liang looked up, "How is she?"

Dr. Wang took off his mask, but his brows were frowning, and he didn't feel relaxed at all, "There is no danger for now."

He glanced at Zhuge Liang and motioned him to follow.

There were only the two of them in the office. Dr. Wang said slowly, "Miss Lin's body is being corroded by some unknown energy."

Zhuge Liang frowned, "Erosion? How should I say it?"

Dr. Wang said seriously, "I know about Ms. Lin's situation. She suddenly turned 12 years old before, and now she has turned back to 20 years old. It should be because her body can't bear this kind of energy and was caused by backlash. "

He looked embarrassed, "The body is hot, and the pain in the heart is the side effect of the energy backlash on her body."

Zhuge Liang frowned, his eyes were filled with emotions, and his voice was full of helpless sadness.

"If the crystal is taken out, with the current medical technology on earth, her heart cannot be repaired, right?"

Dr. Wang nodded and sighed, "Yes, she...will die."

Zhuge Liang's eyes became hot, and he said in a daze,
"If you don't take it out, the energy generated by the crystal will become stronger and stronger, and the backlash her body will suffer will become more and more serious. She..."

Doctor Wang's expression also darkened.

"Yes, even if she doesn't take it out, she won't live long."

 Thank you Youyou for rewarding 597 book coins~

  Thank you CRUSADER for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Goodnight kiss to you~

(End of this chapter)

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