Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 186 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 186 Everything is Calculated (39)

If the energy core is taken out, she will die.

If she didn't take it out, she wouldn't be able to live.

Zhuge Liang nodded in a daze, and pressed his long fingers on the table, turning pale and feeble, his heart felt like cramping.

"Is there no way to control the energy backlash?"

Doctor Wang shook his head.

Zhuge Liang sneered, his brows were stained with pain, his cold eyes were full of sarcasm, and gradually turned into a forbearing and painful scarlet.

What is the use of peerless ingenuity?

He can't even keep the girl he likes, so he can only wait for death with her.

In the face of fate, life and death, his strength is so insignificant that it is not worth mentioning.

Zhuge Liang turned around and left the office, the corners of his eyes were a little wet, and a painful sense of powerlessness spread all over his body, as if to swallow his whole body.

On the hospital bed in the emergency room, Yan Huan was lying there with a pale face, the oxygen mask covered most of her face, she closed her eyes, and she was peaceful and beautiful.

Zhuge Liang took her cold hand and wrapped it in his palm to warm it up.

As long as the energy core is not taken out, she will not die immediately.

There is still time, he still has time to save her.

I can't think of a way now, but with his ability, he will always find a way.

He will not let Lin Yao die, he will bully her for the rest of his life.

How could he let her go so quickly?
The phone buzzed non-stop, the wind blew up the plain white curtains, and a few rays of warm sunlight came in, and her pale face was also dyed with a brilliant halo, giving it more vitality.

War, life and death, at this moment, all the distractions were left behind by Zhuge Liang.

He held Yan Huan's hand, and sat quietly beside her bed, longing for this rare tranquility.

I want to hold every minute and every second with her in the palm of my hand and cherish it.


After Zhuge Liang left, Dr. Wang leaned back on the chair, still frowning, lost in thought.

Lin Yao's heart was implanted with unknown crystals, which would also generate huge backlash energy, which is not a trivial matter.

Moreover, Lin Yao, who had been implanted with crystals, was the only daughter of the late designer Lin, and she was the only one who survived the hands of Zhina in that accident!
If this matter has something to do with the Zhina people, it's no small matter!
After thinking about it, Dr. Wang still dialed the dean's number.

Judging by the commander's appearance, he probably didn't want to report this matter.

But I can't know and not report.

Dr. Wang told the dean everything, and the person on the other end of the phone asked him to send a copy of Lin Yao's blood test report, which he did immediately.

The test sheet was passed on to the dean, and the dean saw the unknown composition, and immediately reacted!

During the internal meeting, he saw the analysis table of the energy core components of Suzaku fan!

The thing implanted in Lin Yao's heart turned out to be the energy core of Suzaku Fan? !
But Zhuge Liang, why didn't you report this matter for a long time?

The dean frowned in confusion, and called Zhuge Liang, but no one answered.

He impatiently dialed a few more times, but still no one got through. The dean with a dark face pushed the door directly to the downstairs ward.

Zhuge Liang was guarding Yan Huan, and displeasure flashed across the old dean's face.

He knew about the energy core but didn't report it, and the starship team was in a mess because the spaceship was bombed, and he didn't care.

Now he is guarding a woman here?
If the dean hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't have believed that Zhuge Liang would have done it!
He knocked on the door symbolically with a sullen face, and before the person inside could reply, he pushed the door open by himself.

"Commander Zhuge, come out."

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 498 book coins~

  Take off the stars from the sky to make you happy~
  Is there any lucky little cutie who got the Rose Lover, Elegant Lover skin today~
  Anyway, Mengmeng didn't get it, and the hero who got it in Mengqi's dream is still Jiang Ziya, I: . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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