Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 189 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 189 Everything is Calculated (42)

Designer Lin sacrificed Lin Yao, and the dean also asked him to sacrifice Lin Yao.

The euphemistic name is to sacrifice the small self to save the big self.

But to Zhuge Liang, the lives of all the others combined are not as important to him as Lin Yao.

Zhuge Liang hugged the tearful Yan Huan, feeling a dull pain in his heart, and gently patted her on the back.

"I won't give up on you, no."

Yan Huan buried her head in his arms, crying sadly.

Designer Lin did nothing wrong. The people of the entire planet are much more important than just one Lin Yao.

Even if Yan Huan is not the real Lin Yao, but this feeling of being abandoned by relatives can be deliberately ignored or not sad.

If there was no Zhuge Liang, and no people and things to miss in this world, she might not be so sad and painful.

But now, with Zhuge Liang.

She also seems to have a selfish reason.

Zhuge Liang raised his hand to wipe her tears, her eyes and nose were red from crying, she drooped her head in grievance, pitifully.

Yan Huan raised his hand to wipe away his tears, his eyes were sad and helpless.

"I'm not blaming my father, he... from his point of view, he really should have done this, but I feel a little sore in my heart..."

Zhuge Liang looked down at her, his brows were as cold as frost, but his light blue eyes were full of tenderness.

He sighed softly, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her at the same level, and made the promise with his unique domineering.

"There is no need to remember the past, you just need to remember, between the whole world and you, I am on your side."

Yan Huan couldn't help smiling, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes, looking silly.

"Okay, I'm going to work, you can come with me."

Yan Huan also knew that he was worried about her, so she obediently went back to the office with him.

There are many things Zhuge Liang is unwilling to say, but she understands them all in her heart.

The energy core is very important, it is related to the survival of this planet.

Zhuge Liang said that he would not give up on himself, so he probably did not intend to take out the core.

It's a pity that even if she doesn't take out the core, she knows her body very well, so she probably won't live long.

Zhuge Liang, who handles official duties, is serious and attractive.

Yan Huan looked at him with his chin resting on one side, reluctance flashed in his eyes.

Anyway, she won't live long, so she might as well sacrifice herself, take out the core, and contribute to everyone.

But because of Zhuge Liang, she was really reluctant to die and leave him.


Because of a system failure, a lot of information was incomplete, and she hardly ever asked the system for help in this plane.

Now, she really has a lot of questions to ask.

【Any questions? 】

Yan Huan asked it silently in his heart, "Why did the Zhina people kill everyone in the design institute, but let Lin Yao go?"

This is what she wants to know most.

People in Jina don't know that the energy core is in her heart, but she is Designer Lin's daughter after all, she must know a lot of things, shouldn't she be killed to silence her, or taken back for torture?

There are too many doubtful things about Lin Yao.

[Currently there is no relevant information in the system to help players. 】

Yan Huan:. . .

When the system fails, it's not so cute at all.


Yan Huan was speechless for a while with this mechanical voice that hesitated to speak.

"But what?"

[The reason why Lin Yao's father hid the energy core in her heart is to affirm that the Zhina people will not kill her. 】

Yan Huan was a little confused.

[Lin Yao is not dead, the strange phenomena on her body will always be noticed by the Starship team, and the energy core will be discovered sooner or later. 】

Yan Huan was still in a daze.

Why is Designer Lin so sure that the Zhina people will not kill Lin Yao?

 Thank you CRUSADER for rewarding 99 book coins~

  than heart~
(End of this chapter)

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