Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 190 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 190 Everything is Calculated (43)

"What is the relationship between Lin Yao and Zhina people?"

[There is no relevant information in the system. 】

Yan Huan pouted, completely disappointed with the system.

Not omnipotent at all, spicy chicken system!

System: Hot chicken player, I can't solve such a trivial matter by myself!

As the night darkened, Yan Huan frowned, typing and searching on the computer, but still found nothing.

She didn't know that Zhuge Liang had taken her hair for a paternity test, and she was still wondering if she was Designer Lin's biological daughter.

Moreover, in Lin Yao's memory, there is no memory about her mother.

Is Lin Yao a child from Planet Zhina picked up?
still is……

Lin Yao's mother is from Zhina?

She rested her chin in thought, and bit her lip in confusion and irritability from time to time, never realizing that Zhuge Liang had walked over.

"What do you think?"

Zhuge Liang curled up his lips and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Yan Huan rolled his eyes, and there was some confusion in his round eyes.

"Zhuge Liang, I still can't remember some things, such as...why isn't my mother in my memory?"

Zhuge Liang was surprised for a moment.

"your mom…"

He was a little scrupulous, and his tone was a little tentative and cautious.

"You don't remember? Your mother fell ill and passed away shortly after giving birth to you."

Yan Huan's eyes widened, but he was still in a daze.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, she was either missing or dead.

According to the development of the dog blood plot, Lin Yao's mother is likely to be from Zhina.

What if all this is true?
Lin Yao is from Zhina, but Zhuge Liang is from Earth, and the commander of Starship Team, the number one enemy in the eyes of Zhina people.

Aren't they on the opposite side?

Love each other and kill each other, really want to love each other and kill each other!
Yan Huan frowned, with a solemn expression, and panic flashed in his eyes.

The little girl on the chair was dumbfounded again, and Zhuge Liang's brows and eyes were filled with distress, thinking that she had thought of the sad thing of not having a loved one.

Zhuge Liang was leaning on the armrest of her chair, his eyes locked on her, his posture was slightly ambiguous, the two of them were very close, and when he reacted, Yan blushed joyfully, "What are you doing?"

"In the future, I will be your family member. I will protect you and take care of you. I won't let you suffer any more."

The deep and magnetic voice hit Yan Huan's heart word by word, as if it had left a deep imprint.

Yan Huan's face seemed to be on fire, it was burning hot, she licked her lips, and blurted out stupidly without thinking about it.

"You seem to be proposing..."

Zhuge Liang picked up his lips and smiled, his cold eyes were soft and outrageous, implying pampering.

"It's only a ring that needs to be considered a marriage proposal."

He raised his hand to pinch Yan Huan's tender cheeks, took the coat on the sofa and put it on her, and carefully buttoned it for her with his long fingers.

Slightly bent back, lowered eyebrows, the office with the lights turned off, only the afterglow of the setting sun outside, reflecting the cold Zhuge Liang, extraordinarily gentle.

Yan Huan said cheekily, softly, "You've been so kind to me all your life, okay?"

Zhuge Liang fastened the last button for her, took her hand and put it in his coat pocket, raising his eyebrows.

"How can I do that? When it's time to bully, you still have to bully."

Yan Huan squeezed his palm lightly, a little speechless, "Hello!"

Do not play cards according to the routine!
"Beating is kissing and scolding is love, isn't it?"

Yan Huan laughed angrily, took his hand out of his pocket, and poked him everywhere, "Then I love you? Love you?"

Zhuge Liang grasped her hand, put it to his lips and kissed her, his brows and eyes were lazy, and he smiled triumphantly.

"Well, I know you love me very much."

 Thank you CRUSADER for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to the cute cat for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the big guys for feeding and caressing ~ rubbing ~


  Master Zhuge can be called the first routine king of the canyon

  Say, where did you learn this flirting skill?

  Leng Lengliang: Learned from Master

  Old Master: It seems that someone is secretly praising the old man behind his back?

  Mengmeng: You eat melons, you eat melons, no one praises you, don't steal the spotlight...

(End of this chapter)

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