Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 191 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 191 Everything is Calculated (46)

Yan Huan:. . .

Believe it or not, I got a nosebleed on your face?

She opened her mouth silently, pretending to be calm, but every inch of skin on her body had actually been submerged in his provocative voice.

"This fairy can only be seen from a distance, and cannot be eaten."

Zhuge Liang deliberately wanted to tease and bully her, he spoke slowly, and the hand around her waist also tended to move upwards.

"Can't eat? Then touch it, right?"

I bother!

Yan Huan was provoked.

She broke free from Zhuge Liang's arms, quickly rolled over to her bed, looked at him in embarrassment, kicked him through the bed, with a fierce expression on her face.

"Go to work and make money! Otherwise, what will you do to support me!"

Someone kicked by her was unmoved.

Yan Huan wrapped himself in the quilt, rolled it up, turned his back and simply ignored him.

On a late autumn morning, not a spring morning, why is this person so easily... in heat?
Such Zhuge Liang really makes people blush just thinking about it.

Behind him came the rustling sound of dressing, the sound of trousers being put on, and the slap of belt buckles, which made people dream about it.

He looked back at Yan Huan, she was still facing away from him and didn't move.

Zhuge Liang raised his eyebrows.

Don't look back to peek at him getting dressed?
This is really surprisingly well behaved.

Zhuge Liang buttoned up his system shirt, put on his coat and walked around in front of Yan Huan, the little girl fell asleep again.

He laughed, pinched Yan Huan's cheek, closed the door softly and went downstairs.


This time, I fell asleep until noon.

When Yan Huan woke up, there was no one in the house. No. 001 stared at the electronic eyes, and the infrared ray scanned Yan Huan's face, and immediately made a "ding".

"Start mission 1!"

A string of text was displayed on the display screen on the chest, "Prepare vegetable pie and hot milk for one person."

Zhuge Liang must have arranged for her in advance.

Be pampered, cared for, cared about.

Yan Huan brushed her teeth with a silly smile, and when the hot vegetable cake and hot milk were served, she picked up the chopsticks and her phone buzzed.

Zhuge Liang called?

She picked up the phone frantically and looked at it. With a shy smile on her face, she froze instantly.

The strange number did not belong to Zhuge Liang.

She was hesitating whether to answer the call, but the phone connected inexplicably by itself!

A middle-aged male voice came, without the slightest doubt in the voice, it was an affirmative statement.

"You are Lin Yao."

Yan Huan bit her lip, a little vigilantly puzzled, "Who are you?"

The person over there spoke, although the voice was exhausted, it was full of majesty that cannot be ignored.

"President of Country Z, Rong An."


real or fake?

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows with a suspicious expression.

The president called her this little commoner?

Are today's fraudsters so powerful?Dare to impersonate the president?

Yan Huan curled his lips contemptuously, and was about to hang up the phone when his phone suddenly switched to video calling mode, and there was a face over there, which was really the face of the president of his country!

What the hell? !
Yan Huan was shocked!

The president smiled perfunctorily and politely, and got straight to the point.

"Miss Lin, you have the energy core of the new battleship in your heart, you should know it?"

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

She deliberately wanted to ignore this matter, and just wanted to enjoy the rare sweetness between her and Zhuge Liang.

But it's not that she ignored it, this matter didn't exist.

The war is imminent, and the energy core in her heart is related to the outcome of the war and the fate of the entire earth.

She doesn't go looking for trouble.

Trouble will always find her.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.

 Thank you CRUSADER for rewarding 99 book coins~

  than heart~
  Mengmeng slammed on the brakes unexpectedly!
(End of this chapter)

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