Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 192 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 192 Everything is Calculated (47)

Yan Huan paused, "What does the President want to say?"

"I implore Miss Lin, on behalf of the whole country, people all over the world implore you, can you... take out the energy core?"

His eyes were a little moist, full of pleading sincerity.

Yan Huan's eye circles were also red.

Yeah, what is she alone?
The entire planet, the entire world of people, is what matters.

However, how many people are willing to abandon everything they care about, leave the one they love, and become a hero who saves the world?
Designer Lin can sacrifice his daughter for the sake of the world.

But she herself could not leave Zhuge Liang for the sake of the world.

Yan Huan lowered his eyes and thought for a long time, then raised his eyes again, there was some unconcealable sadness in his eyes.

"Take out the core, I will die."

The face of the president over there did not change, and the tone of his speech seemed to be taking advantage of Yan Huan.

"It's worth it to exchange your life for the lives of people on the entire planet, you should understand in your heart."

Yan Huan picked up her lips and smiled sarcasticly.

"My life is now in the hands of Master Zhuge. If the President wants to take it away, he must first obtain the consent of Master Zhuge."

The president frowned, and the few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes made him look a little more dignified. He spoke, as if he was a little angry, and the volume was raised.

"Zhuge Liang doesn't agree at all! What I regret the most now is that he was appointed as the commander of Starflight! In front of mere little love, he didn't take the survival of the planet seriously!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, his face flushed with anger, probably thinking that Yan Huan was still videoing with him, he took a few breaths before calming down.

"Zhuge Liang is acting on his emotions, Ms. Lin should not understand. Besides, your father, Designer Lin, died at the hands of the Zhina people. Don't you want to avenge your father?"

He stared closely at Yan Huan's face, seeing that she was not that resistant, he continued to persuade her.

"If the earth perishes because of this, Zhuge Liang will be the one who will be stigmatized for thousands of years and will be cast aside. If Ms. Lin really likes Mr. Zhuge, then..."

"Okay, I see."

Rong An saw that Yan Huan's face was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of disgust and impatience. He thought about it, but still didn't continue.

Yan Huan hung up the video call irritably. The vegetable cakes and hot milk on the table were already cold.

She looked at the dining table in a daze, the midday sun was the warmest, shining on her body, but she couldn't feel any warmth.


Reluctant to bear Zhuge Liang is the most important thing.

Yan Huan was annoyed, seeing the table of cold breakfast lost her appetite, she simply changed her clothes, and was going to look for Zhuge Liang at the base of Starship Troops.

She thought, have a good talk with him.

Should he be charged with crimes and live a few more years selfishly, or should he be selfless and dedicate himself in exchange for the stability of the entire planet?
The pressure from all sides was too great, Yan Huan could no longer pretend that nothing was going on, and enjoy the time between her and Zhuge Liang with peace of mind.


She wrapped her scarf and sighed depressingly.

It's almost winter, and the trees on both sides of the street are scattered with a few yellow leaves, bleak and desolate, even if the sun is shining, they still look lifeless.

It was very much like Yan Huan's barren heart at this moment.

She walked slowly towards the subway station, and suddenly felt a dull pain in the back of her neck!
Feeling dizzy, she collapsed powerlessly and fell into the arms of the person behind her.

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 498 book coins~

  I'm Joe~

(End of this chapter)

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