Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 193 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 193 Everything is Calculated (48)

It's like sleeping for a century.

There was pain in the back of her neck, and the person who knocked on the back of her neck had to use a lot of strength.

Yan Huan frowned and opened his eyes.

The gray ceiling, there are still some moldy traces in the corners, the light inside is dark, and there is a damp musty smell.

What the hell place?
Yan Huan rubbed the back of his neck and sat up. The skinny man sitting next to him woke up startled and shouted, "Wake up! Wake up!"

Yan Huan:. . .

She woke up, why is this person more excited than herself?
A fat man walked in from the next room, looking relatively stable. Seeing Yan Huan who was awake, he tugged at the thin man next to him. Both of them made strange gestures, "His Royal Highness finally woke up!"

Yan Huan:. . . (all)
Time-travel drama?
Even the princess came out?
"Human traffickers? Perverts? Kidnappers?"

The thin man quickly waved his hands, "No, no, no! Your Royal Highness! We have no malicious intentions!"

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, pointed at the back of his neck, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "No malice? My back of the neck still hurts!"

The thin man scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's the first time I've knocked someone out, I don't know the strength, I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness! Ganan is willing to be punished!"

Yan Huan lifted the quilt to leave, and rolled his eyes, "What kind of princess is not a princess, the Qing Dynasty is dead, why don't you call me Gege!"

The thin man stuttered when he was nervous, and he couldn't speak clearly. The fat man blocked Yan Huan's way.

"You are really a princess, the princess of our Zhina!"


Lin Yao really has something to do with Zhi Na!

But what about this princess?
"You are the child of the former Queen and the people on Earth, and the princess of Planet Zhina."

Yan Huan reacted for two seconds, without much surprise, and replied indifferently.


She glanced at the fat man coldly, "I'll leave if it's okay."

"Your Highness! Planet Zhina needs you now!"

The fat man bent down, speaking agitatedly, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Yan Huan sneered, "Planet Jina is so developed now, wars are provoked by Jina again and again, Jina needs me? Earth needs me, right?"

The thin man came up to him and said hastily, "No! We don't want war! The people of Zhina don't want war, it's Susha who provokes war again and again!"

Yan Huan paused, "Who is Su Sha?"

"Susha is the younger brother of the former Queen, that is, your uncle. Susha is very ambitious and always wants to annex the earth, but the people of Zhina don't want war!"

The thin man hurriedly nodded in agreement, his eyes sparkling, "Yes! We don't want war, we just want to live in peace, and we don't want bloodshed and death!"

Yan Huan crossed his arms and said coolly, "You are looking for me, do you want me to persuade my uncle not to start another war?"

It's kind of funny.

If it is really so easy to be persuaded, and so many people in Zhina disagree with the war, how could Susha fail to consider everyone's ideas?
She, a niece who appeared out of nowhere, can successfully persuade him not to fight?

The fat man shook his head, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.

"Ganan and I came to Earth secretly this time to find you."

The thin man added complainingly, "The commander of the Starship Corps protected you so well that we couldn't enter his house at all. We finally waited for you to come out today."

The fat man patted the back of his head and digressed.

"We want to take you back, you are the veritable majesty, the master of Zhina!"

 Mengmeng practiced immortality again today...

  ah! !Be sure to update early tomorrow! !
(End of this chapter)

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