Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 194 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 194 Everything is Calculated (49)

This sudden bloody turning point...

Yan Huan said that he was caught off guard by Lei!
Go back to be Jina's queen?

She could even imagine the scene of meeting Zhuge Liang again as Queen Zhina...

Leaning against the wall, Yan Huan said casually and slowly, "If I become a queen, in the war between Jina and the earth, I will be on the earth's side."

How could she be the opposite of Zhuge Liang?

The fat man nodded again and again, "You have become the queen, we hope to make peace with the earth, and no more wars, so that people on both sides can live a comfortable life!"

Yan Huan's eyes lit up, and he felt a little excited.

Being able to make peace is the best!
Sign another armistice agreement, never go to war, and coexist peacefully, it will be even better!

She became interested, dragged the tattered chair and patted the dust on it, sat down on it, and opened her mouth with great interest.

"How many people in Zhina support peace? What about the soldiers and soldiers in the army? How many support no war?"

The fat man said without hesitation, "All the people support peace! In the team, only Susha's cronies advocate war."

Yan Huan frowned, and the light in his eyes was like Zhuge Liang's sharpening, "How many of his cronies are there?"

"About two hundred."

Two hundred... Fortunately, there are not many people.

"So, Susha is now the king of Jina, and he and his cronies disregard the wishes of the people and force everyone to accept the war?"

The thin man stomped his feet excitedly, "That's right! We all hate him, Your Royal Highness, you must replace him!"

The fat man also nodded, "For the matter of the design institute, Susha gave the order to kill everyone. Ganan and I tried our best to keep you. Susha, he is your father-killing enemy!"

Yan Huan's expression was a bit cold, with a bit of cold killing intent, and her tone became a bit dark.

"Can Zhina's medical technology repair a broken heart?"

Both of them were stunned by the sudden incoherent question.

The thin man nodded blankly, "Yes."

Yan Huan curled the corner of his lower lip, his eyes flashed eagerly, "You two, what are your positions?"

Pride and pride appeared on the fat man's face, "My name is Fu Song, and I am the deputy commander of the Zhina Yuandu team. His name is Ganan, and he is my assistant."

The commander is Susha, and he is the deputy commander. This position is quite high.

Yan Huan nodded in satisfaction, calculations flashed in his eyes.

"I can promise to go back and be Jina's queen, but I have one condition."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat off his head, and nodded easily.

At this time, let alone one condition, even a hundred conditions, he would agree without blinking an eye!

"You say."

Yan Huan raised his eyes, and said coldly, "Whom I will marry in the future is up to me, and no one can interfere with my decision."

Zhuge Liang is the commander of Starship Troops.

It is equivalent to the big boss of other countries' armies!

Is it really a queen, or is it the queen of Jina? Will they agree to let their own queen marry the big boss of the army of another country?

It is better to meet such guarantee conditions first, so that I can feel at ease in my heart.

The two agreed in unison, "No problem!"

Yan Huan stood up and clapped his hands, raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them, "Leave a letter at the Starship Commander's house, saying that I have something to do, and I'll leave for a while, so he doesn't have to worry."

 Thank you My Fair Lady for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Baji for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi three kisses! (^3^)
(End of this chapter)

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