Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 198 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 198 Everything is Calculated (53)

The Monday regular meeting of Yuandu team.

This regular meeting mainly discussed issues such as strategy, defense, and personnel allocation after the war with the earth.

Fu Song was the deputy commander, and he only said that Yan Huan was a newcomer who was about to join the team. The people who checked at the door let her in without much questioning.

Yan Huan's face was calm, but his hands hidden in his sleeves were sweating non-stop because of nervousness.

She reached out to wipe her wet palms on her pants, took a deep breath, and opened the door calmly into the conference room.

The long table was already filled with the leaders of the Yuandu team, and a middle-aged man with a solemn appearance was sitting directly above it.

He didn't lift his head when he heard the door open, he was still flipping through the documents in his hand, and only spoke in a low voice.

"Fu Song, you are late."

Fu Song looked around at the others, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm late because I picked up a distinguished guest."

His words caused a small commotion in the quiet conference room.

Even Susha, who was reading the documents, raised his head and looked at him inquiringly.

Yan Huan stepped out from behind Fu Song, with a smile on his lips, he met Su Sha's eyes.

The other party's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

That face is almost like his sister, Her Majesty the Queen!

Could it be the little girl he threw back to Earth back then? !

Yan Huan was very satisfied with the shock on his face, she smiled at everyone, but she was not gentle, her eyes were full of contempt and arrogance.

"Get to know me, I am the daughter of the previous Queen, the commander of the Yuandu team, and the niece of Lord Susha."

These words made the already noisy meeting room even more noisy!
The daughter of Her Majesty the Queen, she is the direct heir to the throne and the first successor commander of Yuandu Squadron!

It was because Her Majesty the Queen had no children before that the throne and commander fell into the hands of her younger brother, Susha.

Now out of nowhere a daughter of Her Majesty the Queen pops up?

Does that mean that Susha is going to return the throne and the Yuandu team to her?
Everyone whispered and looked at Yan Huan with shock and suspicion.

Susha looked at everyone's reaction, but didn't speak, he wanted to see everyone's attitude first.

Sure enough, one of his confidantes spoke disdainfully.

"The former Queen did not leave any children. This is a recognized fact. You suddenly said that you are her daughter. Is there any evidence?"

Fu Song took out a stack of papers from the file bag, and distributed one to each of them, including Su Sha.

The impressive identification results above showed that the degree of blood coincidence between her and the former Her Majesty the Queen was 99.99.

As expected, Su Sha's face was not more shocked.

It seems that Fu Song came prepared this time.

The confidant looked embarrassed, paused for a while, not knowing what to say, and glanced at Susha as if asking for help.

Susha was also caught off guard by this incident, flustered, but there was a pleasant smile on his face.

"It's really my niece?! God's gift! I didn't expect my sister to leave a daughter outside! You go to rest first, and uncle will come to you after the meeting!"

He was overwhelmed with surprise and relief, and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. With a happy face, he turned to Fu Song, "Fu Song, you have done a great job this time!"

Yan Huan smiled coldly in his heart.

This uncle is really affectionate.

When he left her on the earth, when he sent someone to kill Lin Yao's father, why didn't he think that he was her uncle?
 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Lan Nian for rewarding 600 book coins~

  Bobo you~

  Happy weekend little fairies ~

(End of this chapter)

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