Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 199 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 199 Everything is Calculated (54)

She tilted her head, with an innocent and harmless look, but her half-selected eyes showed a sharp edge, which made her look like a person.

Zhuge Liang.

Susha's heart skipped a beat, he had already expected that his niece was not so easy to fool.

With a smile on his face, Yan Huan said slowly, "I'm afraid there is no need for uncle's meeting?"

She pinched the corner of the paternity test paper, her tone was casual, but with an undeniable domineering tone.

"According to the rules, the throne and the position of commander should be the heirs of Her Majesty's direct line. Now that I'm back, don't need to work so hard anymore."

Her words, in a light tone, have a resounding weight.

Susha gritted his teeth, a sternness flashed in his eyes, and his hands under the table were clenched into fists, furious to the extreme.

But he couldn't get angry with Yan Huan in front of so many people.

He tried his best to hide his rage, and raised his lips with a fake smile.

"You have just come back, and you don't know everything here, let's talk about it after you get familiar with it."

Su Sha's words sound reasonable.

But in fact, with his personality, Yan Huan will definitely not live to the day when he is completely familiar with him.

After Susha finished speaking, he winked at his cronies, and soon someone came forward to agree.

"That's right! Master Susha has ruled Jina for many years, and his experience is much richer than yours. Besides, the war is about to start now. How can there be any reason to change the commander at this time?"

"We people have followed Lord Susha for many years, and we have long been used to fighting behind him!"

"I don't know if this paternity test is true? Let us leave it to a little girl? Does Zhina have a future?"

They said it one by one, wishing to lift Susha to the sky, and sneered at Yan Huan.

Su Sha evoked a satisfied smile, and glanced at Yan Huan provocatively.

He is in control of the power, and he has so many loyal followers around him. Moreover, the most important start-up energy of the Yuandu team is still under his control!

Want to seize power?
Is it something you, a little girl, can get?
Yan Huan was not angry, she chuckled, took out a small chip from her pocket, and handed it to Fu Song.

Fu Song nodded, inserted the chip into the player, and began to play the content slowly on the blank curtain directly in front of him.

The narrow basement was full of women and children, and there were some elderly people among them, all of whom looked fearful when facing the camera.

The leaders who were disdainful of arrogance just now are all stunned at the moment!

Some saw their wives in the video, some saw their children, and some saw their elderly parents.

The noise suddenly fell silent, and they stared blankly at their relatives on the screen, with resentment and hesitation showing on their faces.

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, his tone was natural.

"Uncle is right. I don't know much about Zhina and Yuandu now, so I invited some people to help me get acquainted."

Her voice was tactful and nimble like a girl, soft and harmless to humans and animals, but it was like the letter of a poisonous snake, revealing a cold killing intent.

Everyone's scalp is numb!
Her family members are in her hands, they... dare to help Mr. Susha, and oppose her?

At this moment, the most shocked and angry person is Susha!
Under his nose, tied up the family members of his cronies? !
Well, his niece is really capable!

 These two days I was with my friends out of town, I originally wanted to add more today, but...

  Get up early tomorrow to code words, and strive to add more tomorrow~

  Good night, little cuties~
(End of this chapter)

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