Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 200 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 200 Everything is Calculated (55)

Susha swept towards his cronies again.

Sure enough, most of them lowered their heads, not daring to look at him again.

He was about to explode when Yan Huan spoke coldly.

"You are all Susha's confidantes, there are some things you should know in your heart."

She glanced at Su Sha, and her cold killing intent became stronger.

"This uncle of mine threw his niece back to Earth from Jina, and even sent someone to kill his brother-in-law. Even the death of his sister, the former Queen, is probably not easy, right?"

Susha pretended to be calm, but cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead, his lips were pale, and his voice was still calm, full of majesty.

"Don't spit blood! Where's the evidence?!"

Yan Huan pressed his hand on the table, his cute round eyes were full of domineering and arrogant at the moment.

"My words are evidence!"

She knocked on the table, and the oppressive atmosphere around her was just like these people, when they faced Zhuge Liang, the commander of the star flight, they were nervous and apprehensive.

Yan Huan pursed his lower lip, raised his chin slightly, and spoke with a look of disdain.

"Obey me is to help the new queen to consolidate the kingship. You are a hero who has done meritorious service. To obey Susha is to help the traitor. You are a traitor who deserves to be killed! Not only you deserve to die, but your family members will all be buried with you for your wrong choice!"

The word "buried with you" deeply shocked people's hearts.

Susha couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and slapped his palm on the table, full of anger, the veins on his forehead twitched.

"Who dares to be bewitched by her?! I have the activation energy of the Yuanyuan team in my hand. Without me, what's the use of following her?!"

The weeds began to hesitate again.

One side is the core of the team, and the other side is my relatives...

This is really the problem of the century!
Yan Huan looked at the angry Susha indifferently, with an expressionless indifference, and a sarcasm in his eyes.


The lights in the meeting room suddenly went out, the equipment stopped working, the siren blared and flashed a dazzling red light, and Susha was stunned!

what happened? !
He looked at Yan Huan, and Yan Huan raised his eyebrows provocatively at him, with a look of determination to succeed.

Susha's heart felt cold, and he had a faint feeling of bad premonition.

After a while, someone hurriedly knocked on the door of the conference room and came to report in panic.

"Commander, all the equipment in the base suddenly stopped working, and we can't contact all the spaceships in space!"

The man asked suspiciously, "My lord, is there something wrong with the starting energy?"

The world seemed to be collapsing before my eyes!

Susha supported the table, unable to stand still in shock, and stared in disbelief.

He personally filled the activation energy into the secret room, and only he can open the secret room. There is no reason for the activation energy to cause problems!
"The starting energy has already been obtained by someone I sent."

A faint sentence, aroused a thousand layers of waves!

Susha didn't believe it, and stubbornly went to the secret room to see what happened, Yan Huan's heart jumped!
The hand hidden in the sleeve was sweating non-stop because of a guilty conscience, and she suddenly thought of something!
Yan Huan sneered, "Do you think I'm lying to you? Uncle, you've been smart for a while, but you were confused for a while. Didn't you realize that Zhuge Liang, the commander of the star flight, is a little abnormal these days?"

Zhuge Liang is really abnormal these days.

Leaving the entire Starship Troopers alone, people don't know where they went.

Susha paused, and his face instantly turned pale!

Yan Huan said with a faint smile, "I have already planned with Zhuge Liang, I will attract your attention, and he will steal the starting energy."

She turned around, folded her arms, with a provocative expression on her face.

"With Zhuge Liang's resourcefulness and my help, how difficult is it to steal the starting energy?"

 Thanks to opple for rewarding 388 book coins~

  Dear little cutie~

  Susha: Lin Yao!You mean!Zhuge Liang!You are shameless!
  Yan Huan: Oh.

  A certain Liang who is obsessed with finding a wife and cannot extricate himself: Huh?

  Get up early and ask for tickets~
  Acting coquettishly, rolling and begging for caress~
(End of this chapter)

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