Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 202 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 202 Everything is Calculated (57)

Gao Leng collapsed in an instant.

Yan Huan's face was sullen, although her tone of voice was domineering and undeniable, but the embarrassment in her eyes and the uneasy flush on her face took a lot of her momentum away.

"And, I want to marry Zhuge Liang."

A group of people stared at her blankly, forgetting to speak for a moment.

" can this work? How can the queen marry another planet, Commander?"

The older man twitched the corners of his mouth, his face was full of surprise and reluctance, as if Yan Huan was really a flower stuck in cow dung.

Yan Huan spoke expressionlessly, a little stubbornly.

"I can't get married, so let Zhuge Liang get married."

Everyone: -_-||
This joke you made is not funny at all.

The older man was speechless. It took him a while to realize what he wanted to say as he was getting older.

"Your Majesty, it is best to marry a Zhina, and Zhuge Liang...he is the commander of Starship Troops! can this be done?"

He opened his mouth to disagree, and others also opened his mouth to veto it.

"If Her Majesty the Queen marries to another planet, what will Jina do?"

"The last queen was married to a person from Earth, which caused such chaos. History cannot repeat itself!"

"Your Majesty, think about it again! There are many excellent men in Zhina! They are no worse than people on Earth!"

There was a lot of discussion, and Yan Huan kept sighing inwardly.

I knew it wouldn't be that simple.

As a queen, she was controlled by eating, drinking and sleeping, and now she was controlled by which man to sleep with!
I'm going to sleep with Zhuge Liang, hey!
She patted Ganan on the shoulder, a little helpless, and motioned him to continue.

Ganan spoke unhurriedly, and on the topic of peaceful coexistence, Balabala said a lot, and those who advocated war finally let go.

But the Queen's marriage...

They shook their heads like rattle drums, unwilling to agree to it.

Yan Huan: ([-]_[-])
She spoke lightly, with a bit of helplessness, her voice was not loud, but it could reach everyone's ears lightly.

"You can't marry, I'm already pregnant with his child."

Everyone: Σ(°Д°;
Ganan:? ? ?
Yan Huan caressed his flat stomach, with a gentle face, sighed, and opened his mouth coolly.

"Hey, even if I sleep with Commander Zhuge, you won't let me be responsible for him, but you won't let me be responsible for the one in the stomach?"

Everyone was at a loss for words.

I was a little secretly surprised and admired in my heart!
What kind of person is the starship commander?

Can sleep with him? !
Your Majesty is indeed mighty!
Everyone looked at Yan Huan's stomach with strange expressions, wanting to doubt, but they didn't dare to doubt.

Yan Huan nodded in satisfaction.

"That's it. The meeting is over. There is no need to talk about the war. Ganan is in charge of contacting the starship team on the other side of the earth. Choose a time and let's negotiate."

She left the meeting room first, and told Ganando, "Must let Zhuge Liang be there in person, oh yes, don't say that I am the queen of Jina."

She still wanted to explain this to Zhuge Liang face to face.

Fortunately, the most difficult thing has been solved, and everything else is much simpler.

Yan Huan was in a relaxed mood, and her steps were much more cheerful, but when she thought about the pregnancy she just casually mentioned...

She silently slowed down her pace, and by the way put a hand on her lower abdomen, and stroked it slowly a few times.

Where did she get a child out and stuff it in her stomach! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

 Mou Liang: It’s not too late to make up for it.

  Yan Huan: Tell me something easy to understand!
  Mou Liang: Hurry up and build one, it’s still too late.


  I just discovered that the plane of Han Xin, the chapter of driving, was, blocked, blocked again! ! !
  (Arrogance until the facial features are distorted)
(End of this chapter)

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