Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 203 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 203 Everything is Calculated (58)

Fu Song personally sent Susha to the asteroid.

Su Sha didn't know until he left that the start-up energy was not stolen by Yan Huan at all, but actually lied to him.

Fu Song was not there, and Yan Huan was "pregnant" again, so she couldn't run around, so she had to tell Ganan again and again that when she went to discuss peace talks with Adjutant Song, she must be polite and not arrogant!
Adjutant Song's temper pissed him off. He would definitely not agree to peace talks!
Can't see Zhuge Liang...

The child in this belly is far away...
Ganan worked quickly, and made an appointment with Adjutant Song, and they were already at the base of Starship Corps to discuss the peace talks.

When the Starship team heard that Zhi Na wanted to make peace with them, they all didn't believe it.

Now that Zhuge Liang of Starship Team is not here, the new battleship cannot be activated. If this battle is fought, Earth will definitely lose!
Zhi Na is letting go of this opportunity at his fingertips, don't you want it?

Who will believe it?
Adjutant Song, who was acting as the agent, didn't believe it. He shook his head and rejected the peace talks.

There are no pies that fall from the sky, only bricks that fall!
Ganan was speechless, he explained a lot, wishing to swear poisonous oath against the [-]th generation of his ancestors against the sky, and Adjutant Song reluctantly agreed to the peace talks.

Ganan breathed a sigh of relief, and politely added another sentence.

"Our Majesty, command Zhuge to participate in the peace talks."

Adjutant Song's expression immediately became alert!
The target is Zhuge Liang?

Could it be that they wanted to assassinate their commander through this peace talks?
Adjutant Song shook his head, and refused with righteous words.

"For this peace talk, I think it's better to forget it."

Canaan:. . .

Why are people on Earth so suspicious?
Headache, what a headache!
Ganan brought out his trump card, "Please tell Master Zhuge that there will be someone he wants to meet in this peace talk."

Zhuge Liang at this time.

He was leaning against the French window of the living room, with half-closed eyebrows and eyes, unable to hide the exhaustion from running around for the past few days, his stern face was a little pale, and the afternoon sun was warming up, making his face even more dull, as if he was in a serious illness patient.

It took a while to rub the center of his eyebrows, his cold eyes were full of worry.

Lin Yao didn't go out of the city. He led people around and searched every corner of the city, but there was still no news about her.

How could a person just disappear out of thin air?

Lin Yao's heart attack would occur from time to time.

If she is alone, if her heart hurts again and there is no one around her to take her to the hospital, wouldn't she have to wait to die?
Perhaps, he has not found her for a long time because she is... dead?
Surprised by this terrible thought, Zhuge Liang suddenly opened his eyes, cold sweat broke out on his back, his heart seemed to be torn, and he frowned tightly in pain.

Adjutant Song's phone call happened to come.

At the peace talks meeting, there will be people he wants to meet.

Is it Lin Yao?

No wonder Lin Yao disappeared as if out of thin air, it turned out that the Zhina people took her away!

Anxiousness leads to chaos, he has never thought of this possibility before!
"Promise them, I will go to peace talks."

Zhuge Liang agreed without hesitation, and Adjutant Song became anxious, "They used Lin Yao as a bait, just to get you hooked, and this peace talk is just to kill you!"

Adjutant Song was worried, but Zhuge Liang was not worried at all.

He was still a little surprised, at least Lin Yao was alive now!
What about Hongmen Banquet?
In this world, apart from losing Lin Yao, there is nothing that can scare him.

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Show your heart to the little fairy → (heart)

  The chapter about Han Xin driving in that plane was blocked and has not been released until now...

  Mengmeng was too scared to open it again...

  Let's ride a bike (helpless face)

(End of this chapter)

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