Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 215 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 215 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (8)

Yan Huan listened, feeling sour in his heart.

Seeing Sun Wukong finished his noodles with a satisfied smile, Yan Huan felt even more uncomfortable.

The two came out of the kitchen, with the warm sun shining on their bodies, Sun Wukong was refreshed and full of smiles, but Yan Huan lowered his head, his brows and eyes were full of listlessness.

Zhizunbao leaned against the door frame, just got up, half-closed his eyes, his handsome face was lazy and casual, glanced at Yan Huan's face, and frowned almost invisibly, feeling a little distressed.

"Did you not sleep well last night? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

Yan Huan was in a bad mood, and didn't try to flirt with him, but only hummed perfunctorily.

Sun Wukong felt inexplicably better when he heard her say yes.

He glanced at Supreme Treasure leaning against the door frame, raised his lips, and entered the hall side by side with Yan Huan.

Bowls of noodles were brought up, full of color and fragrance, just looking at it made people drool, it was completely different from the bowl of noodles she just made.

As for Monkey King, he was so pleasantly surprised and happy just now.

She felt very guilty.

After all, they grew up together and got along with each other for more than ten years.

Not only did she not know Monkey King's birthday, but she also ate such bad noodles. The most important thing is that the noodles were originally made for Supreme Treasure!

Yan Huan's expression was gloomy, his apricot eyes lacked the vibrancy and cheerfulness, and were a little numb.

She stretched out her hand and pushed the noodle bowl towards Monkey King, her tone was rare and gentle, "Eat quickly."

Zhizunbao looked at her caring about Sun Wukong with cold eyes, displeasure flashed in his eyes, but the smile on his lips was still hooked.

He picked up the bowl calmly, and was about to move his chopsticks when he stretched out a hand.

"Master, wait."

Yan Huan turned her head to see that it was the little boy with a eunuch-like voice who stopped her and Monkey King that night.

The little white face took out a cloth bag from his bosom, and carefully took out a silver needle from it, with a concentrated expression, as if she was going to tie a crape myrtle!

Yan Huan:. . .

Xiaobailian poked the noodles with a silver needle, but the needle didn't change color, so he changed another needle and tried Zhizunbao's chopsticks, but it didn't change color either.

Yan Huan is not happy anymore.

"Hey, it's just breakfast, what are you doing! Although our village robs, it's all bad people who rob, and never harmed a good person!"

The little white face rolled his eyes, and became more and more effeminate, "Our master's body can't tolerate any mistakes!"

Yan Huan's teeth itch when he looked at him.

She snorted heavily, picked up the noodle bowl as if to vent her anger, chewed extra hard, finally knocked the bowl on the table, and left without looking back.

In a bad mood, refuse the Raiders.

Anyway, the system is not there, I am such a proud player!

She left, leaving only Monkey King and Supreme Treasure.

Sun Wukong smiled politely at Zhizunbao, his tone was gentle, but the meaning of seeing off the guests was obvious.

"It's windy and sandy in the morning, so it's suitable for traveling, so we won't keep you any longer."

Supreme Treasure just smiled and said nothing, but in his eyes was the certainty that he must win.

He returned to his room slowly, and the little white face beside him pondered Supreme Treasure's mind before speaking in a low voice.

"Master, if you like that woman, you can bring her back to Beijing."

Supreme Treasure shook his head, he already had a plan in mind.

After only knowing each other for a day, Zixia would definitely not go with him, and she didn't want to use her power and status to force her.

He had to stay in the village for a while and develop a relationship before she would go with him.

Why did you stay open and aboveboard?
He already had an idea in mind.

 Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  dear bobo~

  A belated chapter plus more, surprise!

  I get sleepy after nine o'clock, and I can't get enough sleep during this time. I wonder if I have premature aging...

(End of this chapter)

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