Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 216 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 216 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (9)

Didn't get enough sleep at night, got up early in the morning, and was in a bad mood!
So after having breakfast, Yan Huan wandered around the village listlessly before going back to his room to catch up on sleep.

In the dream, the flowers were blooming, the grass was green, and the dreamy white mist was permeating everywhere. Supreme Treasure had gentle eyebrows, and a pair of eyes stared at her affectionately. Yan Huan blushed and lowered his head.

When he raised his head again, Supreme Treasure suddenly turned into Monkey King, holding a bowl of noodles in his hand and questioning with a dark face.

"So it wasn't for me!"

Yan Huan broke out in a cold sweat and woke up in shock!
There was a hasty knock on the door of "Kuu Kou Kou", and Xiaojia shouted, "The big master is not good! The big master is not good!"

Yan Huan just had a horrifying dream, the cold sweat on his forehead was still there, and after being yelled by Xiao Jia, he felt even more depressed.

She opened the door angrily, "What's wrong with the boss? You guys are doing well!"

Xiao Jia nodded hurriedly, her face panicked, "Yes, yes, the master is fine, but that young master is not good!"

Supreme treasure is not good?

Yan Huan was startled, grabbed his coat and put it on while walking, his voice trembling slightly, full of worry, "What's wrong with him?"

Xiaojia said weakly, "It seems to be poisoned..."

Poisoned? !
so serious?

Yan Huan's face became serious, and his brows were furrowed tightly, showing deep worry.

It's so good, can it still be poisoned in her village?
Who would be so bold as to poison Supreme Treasure?
I hope no one will die, otherwise if the raider dies, who else will she attack?
With the wind on his feet, Yan Huan rushed all the way into Zhizunbao's room, not caring about the difference between men and women, and sat directly beside his bed, looking at him anxiously.

His face was pale, and there was no blood on his lips, and his eyes became darker and darker, so deep that people couldn't see the bottom.

Although he was in a weak state, his cold and sharp eyebrows still made people feel a little uncomfortable.

He glanced at Yan Huan's disheveled hair and anxious and worried face, and there was a little joy in his long eyes.

"How are you? What kind of poison did you get? Does it matter? How do you get rid of the poison?"

Yan Huan asked a lot of questions in succession, Zhi Zun Bao just looked at her with a faint smile, very greedy for this moment, the care she showed.

The little white face beside him said angrily, "It's not that the noodles eaten in the morning are not clean! Our master is extremely noble, when has he ever eaten such dirty things!"

Morning noodles are poisonous?
Yan Huan was puzzled.

Then she's fine!

Supreme Treasure smiled, "It's not that serious, it's just that some people have food poisoning, it will be fine after a period of recuperation."

Yan Huan frowned, but still did not let go, she pursed her lips, and tucked the blanket for him.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can stay and recuperate. I will be responsible for your diet in the future."

She asked a few words before leaving, and met Monkey King at the door.

He had just finished martial arts training, and in late autumn, he was only wearing a thin jacket, which was soaked with sweat. At this time, the clothes were close to his body, outlining the broad shoulders and narrow waist, and the strong male hormones after exercise.

Yan Huan had no unnecessary reaction.

Maybe because of getting along for so many years, Zixia has long been used to this kind of Monkey King.

Sun Wukong raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his face indiscriminately, his handsome face showed the temptation of abstinence, less cute and more wild.

"What kind of expression is this? Not happy?"

Yan Huan lazily hummed, "Zhizunbao is sick."

Sun Wukong's face changed slightly, "So, he's not leaving?"

 Thanks to Xie Shaohua for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Than careful to you guys → (heart)
(End of this chapter)

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