Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 247 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 247 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (40)

The ground shook violently again!
Yan Huan couldn't sit still and bumped into the edge of the stone table. She frowned and looked at Fei Li's back, feeling uneasy and flustered inside, like a monster coming out of the shadows, trying to swallow her up.

Was she worried about Feili?
Or... worried about others?

She seems to have forgotten a person who is very important to her.

After thinking about it, Yan Huan decided to go out and have a look.


[System repair and update complete! 】

The long-lost system sound sounded strange and friendly at this moment, and Yan Huan paused.


[Player, why did you make yourself into such a ghost? 】

"What kind of ghost? What kind of ghost?"

The system didn't speak.

Yan Huan only felt an itchy feeling in his heart, and the empty place was filled again.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again.

[You can lose even your heart, player, you are so stupid! 】

The vanished memories flooded into his brain suddenly, Yan Huan was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly realized that he was about to rush down the mountain!
[Currently the true love value of the player and the raider character is 100]

[Congratulations to the player for completing the main mission! 】

[Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering Plane 5, rewards...]

"and many more!"

Yan Huan stopped walking and hastily interrupted a series of notifications from the system.

"In addition to reaching the true love value of 100 with the raiders in the main mission, isn't it also necessary to get married?"

The system paused.

[In view of the many changes in this plane, the system decided to reduce the difficulty of the strategy, as long as the true love value reaches 100, the strategy is considered successful]

Yan Huan:. . .

I really, really thank you!

I was not kind when I should be kind, I wanted to ask a question before, but I didn't have 300 diamonds, so I didn't remind you if I was dead or alive!

At this time, come to pretend to be a good-hearted person?

Yan Huan rolled his eyes, "No, I don't need to lower the difficulty, I want to complete the task of getting married."

She kept walking down the mountain, and the mechanical sound of the system revealed a little helplessness.

[Player, you cannot complete this mission]


[Because the ending of this plane is that you and the Raiders cannot be together]

The wind blew, and the sun seemed to cool down at this moment.

The system knows the future and the ending.

Can't be together?

The angina was in one place, and the eye sockets became wet, unwilling, painful, and powerless, making people dizzy for a moment.

"No, is there a way to change? I want to change!"

[Don't be stubborn, go to the next plane, finish the strategy and return to the real world sooner, isn't that what you want? 】

"No! Tell me how to change! You must have a way to change!"

Yan Huan yelled uncontrollably, a painful shriek mixed with anger, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

[The player is sure to insist on completing the task of getting married? 】


She can't live up to Monkey King!

Absolutely not!

[There is a way, it may be more troublesome]

Yan Huan wiped the tears off his face indiscriminately, "Say it."

The system was silent for a while, probably not knowing what to say to this crazy player.

[The player closes his eyes and stretches out his hand]

Yan Huan followed what it said, closed his eyes and stretched out his hands.

Opening her eyes again, there was an hourglass-like thing in her hand, but one end was big and the other end was small.

[This is a time hourglass, the big end is at the bottom, you can predict the future, and the small end is at the bottom, you can return to the past]

Yan Huan's empty eyes glowed again, "Then can I use it now?"

【Yes, but you can only foresee the future once and return to the past once】

 Thanks to An Mu Nuanyang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Youyou Chuxia for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Moyu Blood Brake for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you Yan Wan for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Daily feeding by fairies (1/1)

  Thank you with a big heart! ( ̄3 ̄)
  So, starting tomorrow, two chapters will be added every day for a week, as a token of gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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