Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 248 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending

Chapter 248 I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending (41)

Yan Huan pinched the time hourglass, his eyes wandering.

She pursed her lips, and put the hourglass-sized end under it, feeling vaguely expectant and apprehensive in her heart.

"Let me see the future first."

There was a fog in front of her eyes, and she pushed away the obstructive fog, and her vision was clear.

What she saw was night, with no stars and no moon. At the foot of the mountain, there were immortal generals and soldiers in armor standing neatly, lying on the ground, with blood spilling from the corners of their lips, their face pale, reflecting the black marks on their foreheads, It's getting darker.

Beside him, he was crying out of breath.

Sun Wukong pursed his lips tightly, held the golden cudgel, and looked at Yan Huan, whose face was full of tears, with pity in his eyes.

Feili laughed lightly, and spat out another mouthful of blood, coquettish and weird, "The Emperor of Heaven sent you here to kill me? Why didn't you do it so late?"

Sun Wukong didn't speak, just stared at Yan Huan, she didn't even look at him, just hugged Feili, crying sadly.

Sun Wukong sighed softly, knelt down and straightened Yan Huan's messy hair, his brows and eyes were tender and compassionate, "Zixia, I'll take you back."

Yan Huan shook off his hand, "Go away!"

Sun Wukong was stunned fiercely by her, seeing her face full of gritted resentment, apart from heartache, he was also puzzled.

He turned his head to look at Fei Li, his brows were tightly knit, revealing impatience and irritability.

"Did you put another curse on her?"

Feili laughed again, her scarlet eyes were full of distorted joy.

"No, I didn't give her anything, I took out her heart..."

Feili pointed to her heart, smiled provocatively, "Put it here."

Sun Wukong raised the golden cudgel, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and he swung the stick down, but unexpectedly, Yan Huan threw himself on Feili's body, begging him with tears in his eyes.

"Don't kill him, please..."

Sun Wukong's eye circles suddenly turned red, his knuckles were clenched tightly on the golden cudgel, his veins bulged, and he finally fell down powerlessly.

"Take them back to the prison first."

As soon as the screen turned, it turned into a dark prison cell again.

Feili and Yan Huan were locked in two connected cells. At this moment, he was looking at Yan Huan's sleeping face in a trance.

On that delicate and pretty face, there were still wet tears, and the fundus of the eyes was a little black, and even though he was asleep, his brows were still slightly knit together.

In the dark cell, the sound of running water could be vaguely heard, Fei Li just leaned against the wall and looked at her next door, her eyes were indifferent, she didn't know what she was thinking.

It took a long time before he pressed his heart and closed his eyes. After a while, a tear slid down from the corner of his eyes.

The screen changes again.

This time, Fei Li was tied to Zhuxian Terrace.

The Heavenly Emperor recited the regrettable and reluctant words, and his affection was so touching that people could see that he was really a good father and a good Heavenly Emperor who had a deep love for father and son, but had to kill relatives righteously and eliminate demons.

Feili's eyes were indifferent, and even the corners of her lips were twitching into a smile, as if it wasn't him who was tied up on Zhuxian Terrace.

He raised his eyes, looked at Monkey King, and said calmly, "His Royal Highness, please come here."

Sun Wukong pursed his lips and approached Feili expressionlessly.

Feili spoke slowly, her words were relieved, her eyes were empty, and the smile on her lips became more and more unreal.

"Last night, I looked into Zixia's heart, and I said to myself, as long as she has a little place for me in her heart, even if I kill the entire Tiangong, I will take her out of the prison." .”

Feili continued speaking unhurriedly, with a sarcastic smile.

"However, she doesn't have me at all in her heart."

"Her heart is in my heart, you take it out."

"Give it back to her, I... will fulfill you."

 Thanks to Danyu Liangxia for rewarding 388 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thanks `Qianzhu for rewarding 999 book coins~

  After being fed by the little fairies, Mengmeng is going to bed...

  Good night ~ gray gray ~

  This is the future that Yan Huan sees, not the real ending~

(End of this chapter)

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