Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 289 The monster is here, where is the princess

Chapter 289 The monster is here, where is the princess (18)

Awesome, Ye Jing, in front of the whole class of teachers and classmates, scolding Yu Chaochao for being stupid?

Lu Ban opened his mouth in a daze, but his eyes were sharp, "Hey, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't eat indiscriminately!"

The whole class was in an uproar, and even Yan Huan, who lowered his head, turned to look at him in surprise.

Niu B! !

Shi can't eat indiscriminately, did you say that in class?
Ye Jing dared to say it, and Lu Ban dared to say it even more!
Lu Ban frowned immediately, looking apologetic, but anyone with eyes could see how false he was pretending.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. It should be that food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately, right?"

"You said Yu Chaochao plagiarized, yes, I think she plagiarized too..."

The whole class was stunned, even Yan Huan was stunned.

But Lu Ban changed the subject and was quite sure.

"I'm her back desk, I don't know how to write, and I hand in blank papers, so she must have copied the test papers from her front desk!"

Some students in the class reacted, couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Copy the papers from her front desk?
Last time, Yu Chaochao was ranked second to last in mathematics in the school, and her front desk was third to last.

She copied the third-to-last paper and got 148 points?
Don't be ridiculous!

Besides, the people in an examination room are the bottom of the whole school, who can she copy such a high score?
Ye Jing's face turned red and black, black and green again, and the color palette was just as wonderful.

He was so stunned by Lu Ban that he couldn't speak, he gritted his teeth secretly, his facial features, which were originally pretty, were distorted and weird because of anger.

Ye Jing snorted softly, not too loudly, but in a quiet class, every student could hear him.

"Heh, what's so exciting, it's not because of his shameless..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ban's expression suddenly changed, and he kicked the desk vigorously, the legs of the table scraped the ground, making a sharp and piercing rubbing sound!
Lu Ban raised his eyebrows, usually laughing and laughing, but now he is furious and frighteningly strange, his eyes are full of hostility!
"What did you say?"

His words were as cold as a venomous snake's letter licked up, listening to it made people shudder!

Ye Jing immediately gave up.

The math teacher's face also changed, and he was busy trying to smooth things over.

"Stop arguing! Ye Jing, what do you think of class?! Lu Ban, sit down!"

He turned his head and glanced at Yan Huan who was standing silently, and waved to her, "Yu Chaochao, sit down too!"

Yan Huan sat down slowly, and looked worriedly at Lu Ban who was in the last row. His face was still dark and calm, and he was staring at Ye Jing's back, like a beast that would pounce on him at any moment!
What's going on here?
It was the first time she saw Lu Ban get so angry!

A lecture was absent-minded, and most of the students were too. They had their own thoughts and guesses, but they didn't listen much.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Yan Huan packed her schoolbag in a hurry and went to look for Lu Ban, but saw him pull up his schoolbag, glanced at Ye Jing menacingly, and gave him a middle finger.

Seeing his dark expression, Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat, afraid that he would rush up and beat Ye Jing up!
This is at school, and a major demerit will be recorded by then!
Yan Huan grabbed his sleeve and dragged him downstairs, "Let's go, I'm so hungry!"

The surrounding air was a bit oppressive, Yan Huan had nothing to say, "Thank you for helping me out."

Lu Ban glanced at her condescendingly, and his calm face eased a little, "In the future, if others bully you, you will bully them back, you know!"

Yan Huan curled his lips, and another sentence came from his head, "But I bully you, it's an exception."

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 30]

 good night la la la la ~
  Today Luban's image is two meters high!
  (...well, forgot he had 185)

(End of this chapter)

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