Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 290 The monster is here, where is the princess

Chapter 290 The monster is here, where is the princess (19)

It was rare for Lu Ban to talk to her so seriously.

Yan Huan blushed suddenly due to the sudden domineering defense and the increase in favorability.

How did the inexplicable little deer in my heart get fatter? !
"Hey, talking to you!"

Lu Ban reached out and ruffled her ponytail, Yan Huan nodded hurriedly, "I heard it, I heard it, I'm not deaf!"

The aggrieved and irritable little voice, and the way she dared not speak out, made people really want to bully her.

With his pocket in his pocket, he walked side by side with Yan Huan, and raised his lips in disgust, "Why are you so stupid? You can't even copy. You suddenly jumped from 9 points to 148 points, and you will definitely be suspected!"

Yan Huan sighed, and murmured, "Who knew that everything you did was right..."

Lu Ban choked on her and smiled angrily.

He looked at the top of Yan Huan's hair, the messy and soft hair was gilded by the sun, it was warm and warm, and his furious heart seemed to be blown and smoothed by a soft wind.

He couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her head again, Yan Huan couldn't take it anymore, and turned to stare at him, "There's no end to it, you!"

Relying on the height advantage is amazing!

Lu Ban chuckled, raised his eyebrows arrogantly, "It's not over!"

He reached out to rub her hair again, but Yan Huan waved his hand away and ran away.

What a quirk this is!

It was class in the afternoon, but Ye Jing didn't come.

No matter how serious his cold, fever and illness were, this person never missed a class.

Could it be that she couldn't stand her first place in the math test and wanted to calm down the riot at home?

Ning Ya tapped Yan Huan's elbow, and approached mysteriously.

"Hey, the latest gossip, do you want to listen?"

The afternoon sun always makes people sleepy, Yan Huan yawned sleepily, "What kind of gossip? Is it hot? If it's not hot, I won't listen."

Ning Ya patted her chest affirmatively, "Absolutely amazing! Do you know why Ye Jing didn't come to class? Because he's in the hospital!"

Yan Huan frowned, "Is he sick?"

Ning Ya raised her eyebrows, "He was beaten!"


Is it...

Yan Huan woke up halfway from dozing off, "Do you know who hit him?"

Ning Ya curled her lips, and her voice became softer, "Who else could it be? If he said that about Lu Ban's mother in the morning, Lu Ban must have beaten her!"


When Ye Jing scolded, Yan Huan only heard "shameless", but didn't hear the latter because Lu Ban kicked the table.

Ye Jing called Lu Ban's mother shameless?
What's the situation?

So complicated.

Seeing Yan Huan's confused face, Ning Ya was surprised.

"You don't know? You are usually very close to Lu Ban, don't you know?"

Yan Huan was impatient, and tugged at her sleeve, "Say it quickly, don't be tricky!"

Ning Ya looked around, and said in a soft voice cautiously, "Lu Ban's father just passed away, and her mother fell in love with a rich man. People outside said that she remarried quickly because of the money, so she didn't care about her husband's bones. Woolen cloth!"

what? !
The shocking news made Yan Huan dumbfounded in shock! !

"So, even if Lu Ban contradicts the teacher, sleeps in class and plays games, and never studies, the teachers don't dare to do anything to him. His stepfather has power and money, and no one dares to mess with him!"

A deep sense of distress permeated the air, Yan Huan lowered her eyes in desolation, her nose was a little sour.

Then he is still laughing and joking every day, fooling around, heartless, how tiring is his life?

Do you hide all the sadness in your heart?
 Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Qianxia Weiliang for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Liziluo for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thank you Gu Yunke for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengsuo Reincarnation for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Push the cuties to the ground and forcefully kiss them! 】

  Thank you for the Mo 10000 book coin award! ! !

  Congratulations to 【Mo】Xiao Xiannan for becoming the third master of this book! !
  Sahua, Sahua, clapping, clapping!
(End of this chapter)

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