Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 402 Until the end of time, only you and me are left

Chapter 402 Until the end of time, only you and me are left (64)

The end of Yan Huan speaking for Li Bai is...

Being imprisoned in the ancestral hall by Luo Heng again, he meditates behind closed doors.

In this ancestral hall, she has been imprisoned countless times since she was a child, and now she can recite the names of all the tablets on the desk.

Luo Heng was so drunk that he completely forgot that he almost patted his chest to promise that he would tell Li Bai about the marriage, but when he heard that he liked his own daughter...

Immediately turn your face and don't recognize anyone!
Immediately put Yan Huan in the ancestral hall and drove Li Bai out.

Yan Huan didn't understand, what happened to the rabbit eating the grass beside the nest?
Anyway, it's all grass, what kind of grass do rabbits eat, don't they eat...

She and Li Bai have no blood relationship, so seniority in this sect is nothing at all.

Yan Huan sat cross-legged on the futon, depressed.

Luo Heng is too rigid.

She had to figure out how to convince Luo Heng.


late at night.

Luo Heng was more than half awake from the wine.

He rubbed his swollen temples, his head seemed to be in pieces, the picture was vague and unreal, and he didn't know if it was his dream or it really happened.

Li Bai fell in love with Luo Qinglian?
In love with his daughter?
He lifted the quilt, got out of bed and went out the door.

The candles in Li Bai's room were still on.

He hadn't slept so late, he must have expected that when he woke up, he would come to ask him for help.

This feeling that everything is controlled and calculated by others makes Luo Heng a little uncomfortable.

But this person is the little junior whom he cares about most, this kind of uncomfortable feeling is only depressed.

Luo Heng knocked on Li Bai's door.

As expected, Li Bai was neatly dressed, his face was cold, the corner of his lips curled up into a smile, he was alienated and indifferent, he didn't smell of alcohol at all, his brilliance was like a banished fairy who didn't belong to the world.

Luo Heng frowned, bypassed Li Bai, and sat down on the chair with a sullen expression.

He still couldn't believe that such a weak person would fall in love with his daughter Luo Qinglian.

"Are you serious about what you said last night?"

Li Bai raised his eyes, his silver hair set off his gorgeous face, it was the first time he saw Li Bai's cold phoenix eyes, he was actually tinged with a bit of tenderness.

"Brother, you know that I am not a random person, otherwise there are so many people, I wouldn't be alone."

He poured a cup of tea for Luo Heng, the tea leaves rolled up and down in the boiling water, and the slightly bitter fragrance overflowed, he sighed.

"After all these years, brother should know who I am. I have never cared about any woman. Luo Qinglian was the first one. She walked into my heart, and I will never let her go again."

Luo Heng held the teacup with a hesitant expression.

It was also the first time for him to see Li Bai like this.

Gentleness does not mean being gentle when wrapped in warm yellow candlelight, but that at this moment, he is gentle.

Li Bai raised his hand and poured himself a cup of tea, and said with a faint smile, "Brother, when he was young, he never thought that he would get married in the future, would he have children?"

Luo Heng's hand rubbing the teacup paused.

Yes, in the past, he was obsessed with swordsmanship, practicing martial arts and swords all day long, and he didn't want to get married at all, let alone, in the future, he would have a daughter like Luo Qinglian who was so troublesome.

But didn't he also fall in love with Luo Qinglian's mother later on?
It's not that I don't know how to love, it's just that I haven't met someone who can make me put it in my heart.

Li Bai picked up the teacup, and took a sip slowly, the mist rose, staining his eyelashes with a layer of wetness.

He put down his teacup, smiled lightly and said, "You and I are the same, we are both weak-hearted people, it's just that I show it on the outside, and you stay in it."

"You understand very well that how cold a person is, if he falls in love, he will fall deeply."

 Thank you column for rewarding 99 book coins~

  [Hug Yun Hua and give a sip!whee! 】

(End of this chapter)

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