Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 403 Until the end of time, only you and me are left

Chapter 403 Until the end of time, only you and me are left (65)

Yes, he and Li Bai are the same kind of people.

It's just that Li Bai showed his coldness on the outside, but he hid it in his heart.

He could barely believe that Li Bai really liked Qinglian.

Uncle and niece, how can this be...

Luo Heng's expression twisted.

Besides, for so many years, he has treated Li Bai as his own brother, but as a result, he suddenly fell in love with his daughter and wanted to be his son-in-law?
It is really incompetent.

Luo Heng's face was full of entanglement and aggrieved, probably...

I treat you like a brother, but you want to sleep with my daughter?

He frowned, hesitated to speak, but didn't know how to speak.

"But you are her uncle!"

Li Bai raised his lips and smiled lightly, "I don't have to."


noon the next day.

Luo Heng held the plate of rice and opened the lock of the ancestral hall.

Yan Huan was still lying on the soft couch, covered with a thin blanket, sleeping soundly.

His daughter can still sleep so well at this time.

Luo Heng put down the food plate, stood in front of the soft couch, and looked at her quietly.

Her eyebrows and eyes are the same as her late mother's, revealing the elegance and gentleness of Jiangnan women, but her personality is really not like the two of them.

From childhood to adulthood, she loves to get into trouble, she loves to be lazy, and loves to play and make trouble. He shut her up in the ancestral hall again and again, taught her by ear, and talked fiercely about her, but he couldn't help feeling distressed in his heart.

Once Luo Qinglian made a fuss, it lasted for more than ten years.

What about the future?
Can her husband, like her father, make her fuss all his life?

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Luo Heng's eyes turned red.

My own daughter, even if she has all kinds of bad habits, is still the daughter that I put on my heart.

Li Bai, I hope he will be her lover.

Luo Heng wiped his red eye circles and cleared his throat.

"The sun has reached the top of your head, are you still sleeping?"

Yan Huan muttered a few words, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked at Luo Heng with a confused face.


Luo Heng dragged a chair over and sat opposite Yan Huan, "Do you like Li Bai?"

She just woke up with a nasal sound, but Yan Huan nodded without hesitation, "Mmm..."

Luo Heng poked her forehead angrily, "What's so good about him? What do you like about him?"

Yan Huan pouted.

I don't know where Li Bai is good...

Just want to sleep with him...

She twisted her fingers and blushed, "I think he's good everywhere..."

Luo Heng choked at her words.

No prospects!
It's really worthless!
Usually he yells at himself, makes troubles, and with Li Bai, behaves like a rabbit.

If they really got married in the future, wouldn't they be eaten to death by Li Bai?
Yan Huan took a peek at Luo Heng's face, his face was dark and sullen, and he looked like he hated iron but not steel.

She chuckled twice, put on her shoes and came over to pour tea for Luo Heng.

"Father, drink tea..."

Luo Heng squinted at her, "I won't drink!"

Yan Huan put down the teacup and squeezed his shoulders.

"Father... Li Bai really likes me. I didn't believe it before. He said he was going to dig out his heart and show it to me. In the end, he really stabbed me in the heart!"

Luo Heng looked back at her in surprise, Yan Huan nodded repeatedly, "If you don't believe me, go and see, the scar on his heart is still there!"

After she said this by herself, she felt a little goosebumps.

How could Li Bai say such disgusting words?
Take out my heart and show you...



Yan Huan acted like a baby with a playful smile.

"I really like Li Bai very much. I have liked him for a long time. He also likes me very much. Don't disagree with us being together just because he is my uncle..."

Luo Heng snorted coldly.

"He is no longer your uncle."

 Thank you for the beautiful tears for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you, Yun, for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to Hongyan YOYO for rewarding 99 book coins~

  [Hold the little fairies and spin and jump with your eyes closed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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