Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 404 Until the end of time, only you and me are left

Chapter 404 Until the end of time, only you and me are left (66)

Lingyue faction's training ground.

At noon, when the sun is the strongest and most brilliant, there is not even a tree that can shade the sun in the empty martial arts field, and those who are exposed to the sun cannot open their eyes.

Yan Huan lifted up his sleeves to block some of the harsh sunlight, and he didn't know that there were so many people here, waiting to see something exciting.

When Luo Heng left, he only said meaningfully, "Go to the martial arts field at noon, Li Bai has a surprise for you."

She originally thought, would Li Bai surprise her with a grand marriage proposal ceremony?
But think about it, it is still unlikely.

Luo Heng hadn't passed that test yet, so he couldn't propose to her so blatantly.

Besides, Li Bai is not such a romantic person.

Luo Heng said that Li Bai was no longer her uncle.

This is a surprise?

There are more and more people around the training ground, and the sun is getting hotter and hotter, so Luo Heng came late.

Behind him, Li Bai followed.

In Li Bai's hand, he held the smoky blue silk umbrella that he had bought for her in Qingsu.

Luo Heng cleared his throat, looked around dignifiedly, and spoke slowly.

"I remember that when I accepted the ninth disciple, I said that if someone wants to be my disciple in the future, they must accept my hundred moves."

Disciples all around were talking about it.

The head is going to accept disciples again?

The last time I accepted disciples was three years ago.

Now someone is coming to apprentice again?Then this person's martial arts is not bad, he has the confidence to take over the master's hundred moves!
Luo Heng nodded lightly to Li Bai, Li Bai lifted the hem of his clothes, knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists, and saluted Luo Heng.

The surrounding discussion is even louder!
This is coming to apprentice, why is it Master Li Bai? !

Yan Huan seemed to realize something...

Luo Heng said, Li Bai is not her uncle anymore...

Could it be that Li Bai...

He quit the Lingyue faction himself, and now he wants to rejoin as Luo Heng's disciple? !
I go……

And this kind of operation? !
His passed away master, the coffin is going to be overwhelmed, right? !
Yan Huan was dumbfounded.


Luo Heng froze his face and spoke expressionlessly.

"Li Bai got drunk last night and was confused for a while, so he quit the Lingyue faction last night. After waking up today, he regretted it and decided to rejoin the Lingyue faction."

Yan Huan:. . .

Disciples:. . .

Everyone's heart: strong martial arts, with willful capital! QQ
The sun was scorching hot, and the steaming training ground seemed to be steaming. Yan Huan just stood there for a while, and he was sweating profusely.

In this apprenticeship, Luo Heng and Li Bai faced each other with swords, the master uncle recorded that within a hundred moves, if Li Bai did not fall or get injured, it would be considered as a successful apprenticeship.

Yan Huan wiped the sweat off his forehead, staring intently at the two people on the field.

Li Bai nodded at Luo Heng, and walked towards Yan Huan holding a silk umbrella.

His face was already red from the sun, but when he saw Li Bai walking towards him, his face became even redder.

The moment his cold eyes met hers, they turned into tenderness. Seeing her sweating profusely from the sun, Li Bai felt distressed, opened the silk umbrella and handed it to Yan Huan, not forgetting to remind her.

"Let's go and watch it under a shady tree farther away, and be careful of sunstroke."

Yan Huan took the umbrella from his hand, his fingertips were slightly cool, instantly dissipating all the heat around her, she pursed her lips and smiled embarrassedly.

"I want to get closer to you and watch you dance your sword."

Li Bai raised his lips and chuckled, "Don't worry, I can dance for you many times in the future."

He turned around and drew out the long sword from his waist. His silvery light was shining, his silvery hair was gilded with gold by the sun, and his white clothes were cold and noble, which was incompatible with this scorching summer day.

Li Bai, really caught her eyes and her heart.

 Thank you Xiaoyunniao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengzhen for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Hold the little fairies and kiss them~】

  [When Mengmeng is on winter vacation, it will be updated very early. Everyone, go to bed early at night and don’t wait for an update. Mengmeng feels distressed QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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