Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 468 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 468 Capture is the only focus of life (68)

Suspiciously, Yan Huan took off the gloves and took the letter. There were four words written on the envelope: Mulan Dear Parents.

This handwriting belongs to King Lanling.

She groaned inwardly.

It was also because of this handwriting that she was tricked out last time, and this time again?

She immediately turned cold, "You said this letter was sent by a woman?"

The guard nodded.

woman?She had never seen any woman beside King Lanling.

There was a foreign object in the envelope, Yan Huan squeezed the letter, not knowing whether to open it or not.

Forget it, just read the contents of the letter and see what tricks he will play this time.

She opened the letter, and inside the envelope was a piece of tiger-shaped metal, with the words "Lanling King" engraved on the front.

This is……

Yan Huan hurriedly opened the letter paper, and hurriedly wrote a few words on the letter paper.

"This is my Tiger Talisman. The soldiers in Yamer City only recognize Tiger Talismans but not people. There are still 16 soldiers and horses in the city at their disposal. Now that the capital of Loulan is in chaos, you can take this opportunity to take Loulan in one fell swoop. Hua Mulan , In my short life, I have regretted many things, but I never regret falling in love with you—Gao Changgong."

Her heart throbbed belatedly.

Why did King Lanling give her the Tiger Talisman and let her attack Lou Lan?
He knew that if he did this, Lou Lan would die!
Shrouded in an inexplicable sense of foreboding, Yan Huan frowned and asked the guard, "Where's the woman delivering the letter?"

The guard was taken aback, "The woman left after delivering the letter."

She stood up and was about to chase out, but Kai grabbed her arm, "What's wrong?"

Yan Huan handed him the letter, and Kai's reaction was much calmer than hers.

"It's dangerous for you to rush out like this. Did you forget the note he left you last time? You were almost plotted after you went out."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, with some confusion and hesitation on her face.

She knew it might be another trap, but...she really wanted to find out what was going on.

"I just want to... ask the sender why he wrote such a letter to me."

She lowered her head, knowing that she was wrong, and her tone was not strong, but in a negotiating tone.

"At this time, the messenger has left for half an hour. Where are you going to find her?"

Chasing out now, I don't know which direction to chase.

Yan Huan frowned, his expression heavy.

There are several towns around the Great Wall, and I don't know which town this woman is from, or...she is from Yamir City.

This is tricky.

Holding the Tiger Talisman, she felt like she was holding a hot potato.

Believe it or not?
After all, if what King Lanling said is true, if Lou Lan is captured in one fell swoop, then the greatest enemy the Great Wall faces will be gone.

Yan Huan looked even more hesitant.


She suddenly remembered that King Lanling once took her to meet a woman who had two children named Brother Lanling.

Yan Huan turned around and hurriedly asked the guard, "What does that woman look like?"

The guard thought about it carefully, and said slowly, "The eyes are quite big, and they look very gentle."

Yan Huan frowned, "It's gone?"

The guard scratched his head in embarrassment, "No more..."

Yan Huan:. . .

The woman whom King Lanling took her to meet had really big eyes and spoke softly.

Go and ask, she still remembers the way to that village, and there are no other clues now, if you don't ask her, she will always think about it.

"I seem to... know that woman, I'll go ask her, you tell Su Lie, I'll go out."

Kai held his eyes helplessly, "I'll go with you, otherwise I won't worry."

 Thanks to the left hand of the devil for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thank you column for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Bad Bo for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Leng Leng Qingyi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Fairy Tong for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Fengya for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Jing Ye for rewarding 588 book coins~

  [Holding the little cuties is like throwing myself on the spot and forcing a kiss! 】

  Congratulations to 【Bad Blog】Cute for becoming the tenth host of this book! ! !

  Flowers, flowers! !Hold on to your thighs and put on the little label of Mengmeng!

  【Tonight, I will add a new chapter to the cute little blog~】

(End of this chapter)

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