Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 469 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 469 Capture is the only focus of life (69)

The snow was still falling, the horse was tied to the big tree at the gate of the courtyard, the chaplain gate was closed tightly, Yan Huan knocked lightly on the chaplain gate a few times.

There was a creaking sound of the door opening from the room inside, and the child ran over and called out crisply, "Mother?"

Yan Huan smiled, with a gentle voice, "No, the last time I came to your house, you touched the dragon crown on my forehead, remember?"

The child opened the latch on tiptoe, with a look of surprise on his face, "It's my sister-in-law!"

Yan Huan almost choked on his own saliva!
Kai also frowned.

She touched the child's head in embarrassment, "I'm not your sister-in-law, that's what your brother was talking about with you."

Kai then followed in, his appearance was stern, revealing the indifference of not getting close to others, the child moved to Yan Huan in fear.

Yan Huan scanned the room, but there was no such woman, "Where's your mother?"

The child climbed onto the chair, very well-behaved and sensible, and poured two cups of hot tea for Yan Huan and Kai, "Mother left early in the morning, and she hasn't come back yet."

After Yan Huan thanked him for his tea, he was even more certain in his heart that the woman who delivered the letter should be this woman.

Otherwise, in this snowy day, there are two children at home, and she would not travel far as a woman.

The two waited in the house for a long while before the woman arrived.

After drinking a cup of hot tea to warm up, the surprise on the woman's face still persisted.

She just sent the letter back, and she never expected that the person who received the letter was actually sitting in her home!
Yan Huan was anxious in his heart, and didn't want to beat around the bush, so he asked directly, "I just wanted to ask, why did Gao Changgong ask you to pass me a letter? Where is he now?"

The woman lowered her eyes, her eye circles were reddish, she drove the two children into the inner room, and spoke softly.

"Chang Gong left me this letter before he left, and said that if he didn't come over on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, let me give this letter to you."

Walk?Gao Changgong left?
"Where did he go?"

The woman's eyes were even redder, "He didn't tell me, but nine times out of ten, he's gone to Xinloulan Capital City."

That day in front of the grave, his bloodthirsty and furious appearance must have gone to seek revenge from King Xuan'an!

The woman knelt down in front of Yan Huan with a plop, "I know you are a general, I beg you, can you save Chang Gong? He is in danger alone, and it's probably too bad for him now!"

This kneeling stunned Yan Huan!

Isn't Gao Changgong the King of Lanling proclaimed by the monarch of Loulan Kingdom?Serving Loyalty to Lou Lan and going to the capital of Lou Lan, how could he be alone in danger?

Yan Huan had one head and two big heads, she hurriedly helped the woman up, "Don't worry, tell me slowly, what did he do in Loulan Capital?"

"He went to the capital of Loulan to assassinate the monarch of Loulan!"

Yan Huan turned pale with shock, "What?!"

Is King Lanling crazy? !Why did he suddenly go to assassinate his master? !
Besides, he went to assassinate alone, let alone whether he could succeed alone, even if he succeeded, would he still have his life? !

Yan Huan's eyes darkened, and he held onto Kai's arm to stand still.

He said he wanted to prove that he had never lied to her.

In the past few days, the system kept reminding her that the value of true love had increased, and it had reached 60. She wondered why the value of true love kept rising even though she hadn't gotten along with King Lanling these days?
The last love sentence he said in the letter, thinking about it now, is particularly poignant and painful.

The woman wiped her tears, "I know that my begging of you is very selfish and embarrassing for you, maybe I can't see that Chang Gong likes you so much, save him..."

 Thank you Su Qi. Reward 588 book coins~

  Thanks Jun Xiaonai for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Hold the little cuties and circle around! ! ! 】

  [I came back late tonight because I have something to do. Mengmeng tries to code as fast as possible, and finish the update soon~]

(End of this chapter)

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