Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 476 Capture is the only focus of life

Chapter 476 Capture is the only focus of life (76)

Fortunately, the wounds on King Lanling's body were only flesh wounds, not his muscles or bones. He only needed to take medicine every day, drink some nourishing medicinal soup, and lie in bed for a period of time to recuperate.

Yan Huan took the Jinchuang medicine and looked at the many wounds on his body, for a moment he really didn't know where to start to apply the medicine.

The shocking wound was bright red and ferocious, Yan Huan's eye circles were hot when he saw it, and he couldn't control the redness of the eye circles.

The attack is really poisonous, how did you beat King Lanling like this?
With so many injuries on his body, he still had the intention to tease her before, and just now he hugged her to kiss.

Yan Huan's heart ached, her fingertips trembled, and she carefully sprinkled the powder on his wound.

"Why are your eyes red?"

She lowered her head, and the King of Lanling still saw the red eye circles.

"I see the wounds on your body, and I feel uncomfortable."

King Lanling smiled lightly, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

How could it not hurt, the flesh rolled up and was torn apart, it hurt just looking at it.

"It's okay, don't feel bad, men, it's hard to be tough with some scars on your body."

Yan Huan originally had a bitter face, but was amused by his words, "Then you didn't have any scars on your body before, so you won't be tough?"

King Lanling raised his eyebrows with interest in his eyes, "How do you know that I don't have any scars?"

Yan Huan:. . .

He leaned closer, with a teasing tone, his pupils reflected her blushing face again, "Tsk...Did you peek at me once while I was asleep?"

Yan Huan's blushing face instantly turned red to the base of his ears!
"I do not have!"

"Then how did you know?"

"I, I guessed it!"


He didn't speak, but stared at her with fiery eyes, which made Yan Huan's scalp tingle.

"I just guessed, you are not tough, you are more beautiful than a girl, you..."

King Lanling leaned on the bed, raised his hand to lift her chin, caressed her fingertips ambiguously, his eyes flickered with a dark light, and his voice was hoarse and threatening.

"I'm not tough?"

Yan Huan:. . .

She pursed her lips, silently applied the medicine to him, and stopped talking.

He raised his eyebrows. Although Yaozhi's face was pale, he couldn't hide his anger, "Hua Mulan, do you believe that I can conceive you in one night?"

Yan Huan:? ? ? ? ?

Isn't this flirting too much? !
She stared at him in embarrassment, and threatened viciously, "Gao Changgong! If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will pour this golden medicine into your mouth?!"

King Lanling was not afraid at all, and looked at her ambiguously.

This scourge!

After applying the medicine and bandaging him up, Yan Huan turned around to wash his hands, but he grabbed his wrist.

She gave him an angry look, "What's the matter?"

King Lanling tugged at her wrist, his expression suddenly became serious, "Mulan, it's fake to want to marry you, but it's real to want to marry you."

Yan Huan looked away, pretending to be indifferent, "Why do you want to marry me?"

King Lanling hugged her waist, put his chin on her shoulder, and coaxed, "I want a child for us, preferably one who looks like you."

Yan Huan made a serious face on purpose, "If you want, you can give birth by yourself."

"I let you conceive, and you give birth to me, how about it?"

Obviously what he said was so erotic, but this low hoarse voice made Yan Huan's bones half-crushed.

Yan Huan:. . .

"If you marry me, you want a child?"

"No, I want to tie you up with a child."

"...I won't run away."

"You are a general now, and I am an ordinary citizen. What if you abandon the messy husband?"

Yan Huan: Where did this showman come from, drag it down and beat him to death quickly (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

[End of the text, there are Easter eggs during the Chinese New Year~]

 The Shuanglan Plane is over~~
  sprinkle flowers sprinkle flowers ~ ~
  Sun Shangxiang and Liu Bei's plane will start tomorrow~~

(End of this chapter)

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