Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 477 Missy arrives, get out of the way! 【Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang】

Chapter 477 Missy arrives, get out of the way! 【Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang】

[Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering plane 8, rewarding diamonds x 200, anti-injury stabbing armor x 1]

[Mengqi successfully assisted plane 8, upgraded to level 3, and increased skill timeliness]

"and many more!"

Yan Huan interrupted a series of notifications from the system, "Is the anti-injury armor the same as the one in King's Canyon?"

[The player is equipped with anti-injury armor, and 50% of the damage received will be transferred to the perpetrator]

[Because the next plane is the modern plane, it is inconvenient to use Meng Qi, the system will take back Meng Qi temporarily]

"Wow my Mengqi!!"

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Transmission starts! 】


Opening his eyes, he was surrounded by white mist and hot steam.

In front of you is a crystal chandelier with fine workmanship and dim lighting. The wallpaper on the ceiling imitates medieval European oil paintings, exuding a low-key literary atmosphere.

Yan Huan suddenly frowned.

Why, there is a crystal chandelier in front of her, and the ceiling is so close at hand?

Yan Huan silently lowered his head and glanced at his feet.


Why is she squatting on a slender log?
She lowered her head and looked down again. Through the hazy white mist, she could clearly see a person leaning against the edge of the pool to take a bath in the pool below!

The dense hot steam and white mist are because of this riding horse!Just a place to take a shower!
I rely on? !
How is the spicy chicken system transmitted? !
Teleported her into someone else's bathroom? !

[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】


Yan Huan, Sun Shangxiang, an agent of Country C's Military Intelligence Department, code name: Miss.

Sun Shangxiang successfully entered the National Military Intelligence Department with the No.1 grade in the Kyoto Police Academy. She is agile in close combat, accurate in long-range shooting, fair-skinned and beautiful with long legs. She combines brains and beauty. She is known as the "beauty scorpion" of the Military Intelligence Department. .

This time her mission is to assassinate.

The target of the assassination is this man taking a bath in the bathtub, Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, a tycoon in the three coastal provinces, his large and small companies can almost cover [-]% of the economy of the entire three coastal provinces. It is not an exaggeration to say that the wealth is incomparable.

Why assassinate him?

The Military Intelligence Department said that he smuggled arms and sold drugs, but he was cunning and insisted that the country not find any evidence.

Without evidence, he cannot be sentenced, but this kind of person cannot be allowed to endanger the society. They can only assassinate him by their agents.

Liu Bei is young, but he is mature, thoughtful, and has many methods. The last agent who came to assassinate him was turned into a vegetable, so the Military Intelligence Department sent Sun Shangxiang, who had never missed a shot.

At this time, Yan Huan was standing on the single log at the top of the bathroom, not daring to take a breath.

[Strategy character: Liu Bei
Main task: reach a true love value of 100 with the raiders
Hidden task: Catch the King of Hearts]

Heart K?I still have the Q of Spades!
"What is the King of Hearts?"

[The player needs to catch the person code-named Heart K]


Yan Huan lowered his head, and once again glanced at the man leaning against the edge of the bathtub, unable to hold his forehead.

Assassination is impossible.

Assassinated the raider, so she still has a raider?
She hid silently on the single log, and when Liu Bei left after taking a shower, she found a chance to leave secretly, and then discuss the strategy or something.

After half an hour.

Liu Bei still maintained that posture, without moving.

Yan Huan couldn't help wondering if he died suddenly?

After squatting for too long, her legs were numb and she couldn't feel it. She moved a little, but unexpectedly, her feet slipped and she fell straight down!
Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°;
 Thank you for the cute pet playing bubbles and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you, Yi Renshang for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Leng Leng Qingyi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for telling the truth that I am God (Send Love Grass) for rewarding 99 book coins~

  [A beautiful morning begins with being fed by the cuties~]

  [In order to thank the little cuties for their reward and subscription support, proposed by Lan (Yunhua), Mengmeng launched the following activities]

  Activity 1: The little cutie who is a fan and above the rudder can name the heroine himself, such as (Li Bai plane, heroine: Cuihua)

  Activity 2: A cutie with fan value can set various supporting roles, such as (Tie Zhu, male, villain)
  [The event has been pinned to the top of the book review area, and the specific requirements and planes in need have been written, everyone, go and favor it~]

(End of this chapter)

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