Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 480 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 480 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (10)

The young man was taken aback by his yelling!
When he heard the words he yelled, he froze again.

No, this little beauty, why call him a gay? !

He's a man, she's a woman, he flirts with a woman, it's perfectly normal!

"Hey, why do you say I'm a dead gay, maybe..."

The young man looked Liu Bei up and down, his eyes were open, and his face wrinkled suspiciously, "Are you a man?"

He took a closer look at Liu Bei's chest, then at that beautiful face, and said in a strange tone, "You're not a fucking mermaid, are you?"

Shemale? !
Liu Bei is so old, and he has never been scolded by anyone, let alone scolded by such words!
What an insult!
He totally exploded!
Liu Bei's face was dark, his eyes were burning with anger, and he directly raised his fist and greeted the man's face. The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face hurt his knuckles.

The sudden punch stunned the young man. Unexpectedly, this woman looked delicate, and her hitting technique and strength were exactly the same as that of a man!
The young man was even more sure that Liu Bei was a transgressive woman!

"Damn! You bloody monster dare to hit me! I..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Bei punched him on the cheek, knocked him to the ground, and kicked him hard.

The young man was completely blown away by these two violent blows, lying on the ground wrinkling his face in pain, Liu Bei stepped over him nonchalantly, and went to the front desk.

He rubbed his sore hands, and casually asked the front desk, "Excuse me, where is your manager?"

This runaway beauty knocked the little bastard down with two punches, and it took a while for the front desk to recover.

She asked where the manager was, did she want to find the manager to deal with this matter?

This is a bar, it's normal to fight, it's not normal to call the police to deal with it.

The front desk hesitated.

Liu Bei raised his eyes, the light green eyes were crystal clear, and the gorgeous neon lights swept across his face, the front desk was secretly speechless.

This woman is so beautiful and seductive, her face is cold, but her facial features are alluring, there is an inexplicable temptation of abstinence.

Liu Bei smiled politely, with a good attitude, "I'm looking for your manager because of something else, not this one."

The receptionist nodded belatedly, and led Liu Bei through the dark corridor to the manager's room at the back.

Yan Huan, who was sitting in the car, was unable to support his forehead.

When Liu Bei came out to do something, her little heart jumped up and down like a roller coaster.

From the moment she heard Liu Bei yelling "Damn gay", she knew it was over!
She could hear the cursing and muffled two punches that followed through the earphones.

She really wanted to yell into the earphone, Liu Bei, you are here to do business and not fight!If you are caught by the police uncle in a while, I will go to the street to dance striptease!

Fortunately, fortunately, Liu Bei finally remembered. What he has to do today is to find a connector.

Yan Huan rubbed his heart, his heart almost jumped out of fright.

After Liu Bei left, the young man lying on the ground spit out a big mouthful of blood and two knocked out teeth. One side of his mouth was swollen. He was so angry that he immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

"Hey, I'm at the Midnight Bar, bring my brothers over, well, bring your weapons, come here now!"

He hung up the phone, spat out another mouthful of blood, grinned in pain, and still cursed viciously.

"Fuck! I won't bring someone to kill you, you dead shemale today!"

 Thank you Fengchen Yeshengxiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Ju_beyond for rewarding 500 book coins~

  Thank you Qingcheng Liangbo for rewarding 200 book coins~

  [Although the weather is cold, Mengmeng's cuties are warming up ~ Hug and baji~]

(End of this chapter)

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