Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 481 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 481 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (11)

Manager room.

The man at the table covered the lower half of his face with his hands, frowning together, staring at the computer screen in a daze.

The contact person is also an agent of the Military Intelligence Department, Chu Weiran, codenamed Yaodao.

The front desk knocked twice on the open door before he came back to his senses.

"Manager, this lady has something to ask for you."

When Chu Weiran saw Liu Bei, the surprise flashed in his eyes, but quickly disappeared, and he nodded lightly.

The front desk left, and closed the door behind him. Sitting opposite Chu Weiran, Liu Bei said mechanically, "Apart from wine, does this place also sell night lights?"

Chu Weiran pushed down the rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, "There are many kinds of night colors, I don't know if miss wants seven o'clock or nine o'clock?"

Liu Bei remained expressionless, "I want it at twelve midnight."

For such a mentally retarded and non-mainstream connection code, Liu Bei said that speaking out is an insult to his tongue.

Chu Weiran sighed lightly, his gentle and handsome face was full of helplessness.

"I have to check the code every time. It's really unnecessary."

The rules of the headquarters are too cautious, and the secret codes used to remind the companions are different when they are safe and exposed.

However, with Sun Shangxiang's mind and skill, how could it be exposed?
The man hooked his lips and smiled, "The mission failed, shouldn't you go back to the headquarters to accept a new mission? Why are you here?"

Liu Bei pursed his lips, and slowly explained what Yan Huan taught him.

"Although I failed to assassinate Liu Bei last night, I managed to sneak into his side. The assassination will succeed sooner or later. I don't need to go back. I came to you because I hope you can send this news to the headquarters."

This is the case with the Military Intelligence Department. After a mission fails, any message sent by the mission implementer to the headquarters will be invalid. If you want to convey something, you must find other agents to convey it.

It is because they are afraid that after the task performer is exposed, they will be used and threatened by the other party, and the message sent directly is wrong.

The rules are strict and complicated, and Yan Huan asked Liu Bei to come to Chu Weiran as a last resort.

Chu Weiran's face suddenly became serious, "What is your identity when you stay by his side?"

Liu Bei scoffed in his heart, what capacity does Sun Shangxiang stay with me, does he have anything to do with you?
Yan Huan on the earphone side heard a pause, and quickly reminded in a low voice, "Liu Bei is interested in me."

The corner of Liu Bei's mouth twitched.

He said in a stiff tone, "Liu Bei is interested in me."

Chu Weiran's brows furrowed even deeper, and his tone was eager to reprimand.

"Do you know who Liu Bei is? A tycoon in the business world, thoughtful, and a dangerous person who smuggles arms and sells drugs. He is interested in you? It's just for fun! You've been by his side for a long time, and you can't ask for anything. Benefits, and you will lose yourself!"

Smuggling arms, selling drugs?
Liu Bei resisted the urge to hit him, and said in a cold tone, "I know it well."

Chu Weiran became anxious, "You know what you're doing? You're playing with fire, do you know that?"

Liu Bei chuckled, "I just like playing with fire."

Yan Huan:. . .

Liu Bei, you can be more arrogant.

Chu Weiran's face darkened, and he said in an orderly tone, "Go back to the headquarters, and the headquarters will definitely give you a new plan."

Liu Bei stood up and spoke coldly, "You can help me convey the news to the headquarters. Don't worry about anything else."

On the other end of the headset, Yan Huan's voice came, "Okay, let's go, he will pass the news on."

Liu Bei turned to leave, and the people behind him suddenly growled.

"How can I not be worried?! Can't you see my love for you these years?!"

 Thank you, please call me Ergouzi to reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you column for rewarding 198 book coins~

  Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  Thank you for the cute pet playing bubbles and rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Pressing the ground is a strong ground! 】

  [Zhuge Liang was carried away by (晓景), and little brother Ming Shiyin is now free~]

(End of this chapter)

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