Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 488 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 488 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (18)

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The dress and high heels were delivered at noon the next day.

A dark blue tube top mermaid dress, with delicate and intricate petals embroidered with silver thread on the skirt, scattered and well-proportioned, light and elegant, a fairy-like skirt.

The slender high-heeled shoes made Liu Bei's face turn green.

With such a high heel, do you want to go to the sky and stand side by side with the sun?

Yan Huan suppressed a smile, with a strange expression on his face, "Hurry up and put it on, the stylist will do your makeup and hair later."

With Sun Shangxiang's figure and appearance, she was really looking forward to what she would look like in this dress.

Liu Bei's whole body is broken.

He threw the skirt away awkwardly, "I don't wear this, I want to wear normal clothes."


Yan Huan scolded, "Go to the introduction meeting, you are still the protagonist today, do you think you are going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables? What do you wear?"

Liu Bei himself knew that such an occasion must be a dress with high heels.

But he is a man!
Wearing a tube top and high heels? !

He might as well be dead!

"Hurry up and stop moaning. This is also for your company, so you should feel wronged."

Yan Huan's words were light and light, and his eyes were full of gloating.

Liu Bei glared at her fiercely, and reluctantly took his skirt to the bathroom to change, that posture, as if he was carrying a bomb in his hand, as if he was going to die now.

Yan Huan still didn't forget to yell at his back, "Hey, put on the blindfold! No peeking!"

Liu Bei:. . .

5 minute later.

Liu Bei came out of the bathroom timidly. The slim fishtail skirt outlined her bulging waist, and a deep groove appeared on her chest.

Yan Huan said in his heart: Tsk... There is a ditch, there is fire, and there is a ditch, there is fire.

Liu Bei looked around in the full-length mirror, taking photos carefully.

"'s pretty nice."

Yan Huan:. . .Who was unwilling to wear clothes just now?

Yan Huan was shocked, "Of course! You don't want to see whose body you are using?"

Liu Bei gave her a cool look, and gave you a look, you can experience it yourself.

She glanced at the time on her phone, "Put on the high heels, and I'll take you to the stylist."

Liu Bei glanced at the high heels, and stretched out his feet with a face full of humiliation.

Putting on his high heels, he seemed petrified in place, not daring to move.

Liu Bei swears that he has probably experienced all the insults in his life these few days!
Yan Huan turned her head to look at Liu Bei who was standing still, her legs under the fishtail skirt were trembling faintly, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey, you are, you should go..."

Liu Bei's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he said angrily, "I can't stand still, how can I go!"

Leaning against the door frame, Yan Huan smiled even more happily, "Wow, Liu Bei, who claims to be omnipotent and knows everything, actually has something he doesn't know?"

Liu Bei:. . .

He smiled and said, "If you stand there and talk sarcasticly and don't come to help me, do you believe I'll stab you to death with this heel?!"

Yan Huan immediately put away the mocking expression, and became serious.

"Then shall I carry you down?"

Liu Bei gritted his teeth, "I'm a man!"

Being hugged by a woman princess?
Although he is now a girl with a man's heart, he still has dignity!

Yan Huan tried hard not to laugh, bent his arm to let him put it on, and half-supported Liu Bei to go out the door.

Liu Bei walked crookedly, Yan Huan couldn't help thinking of a word.

muscle weakness.

 Thanks to Ju_beyond for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you for the cute pet playing bubbles and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Qiao Qisheng for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you, please call me Ergouzi to reward 200 book coins~

  Thank you Perona for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thanks to Daji's confidant (confidante) 9392 book coin award~

  Congratulations to [Daji's confidant (beauty)] cutie for becoming the No.12 leader of this book! ! !
  Sprinkle flowers and sprinkle flowers ~ put on the small label of Mengmeng! ! !
  [Add a new chapter for the little cutie later~]

(End of this chapter)

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