Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 489 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 489 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (19)

【Add more for Daji's confidant (confidante)~】

The press conference of the introduction ceremony was scheduled to be held at Liu Bei's platinum five-star hotel: "Extradition".

Going to the Fenglin Street of the extradition, the whole road was blocked, and the streets on both sides were crowded with people, all of them were crowded towards the extradition.

Tonight's ceremony has invited all the well-known domestic media, and Liu Bei has so many fans, those who are not invited cannot attend the ceremony, but downstairs, you can always see Liu Bei and the legendary fan who fancied him A bewildered prostitute, right?

These fangirls really want to see what kind of women are able to seduce their male gods!

A short street was blocked for half an hour.

The downstairs of the extradition was surrounded by various people, most of them were women, and some even pulled up banners.

"Liu Bei! I'm also prostitute! Look at me!"

"Please return the popular lover to the public!"

"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, can Liu Bei love me!"

Yan Huan:. . .

She twitched her mouth and looked at Liu Bei in disbelief, "Is your fan girl always this enthusiastic?"

Fortunately, fortunately, she is not Sun Shangxiang now.

Looking at the posture of these fans outside, it is estimated that she can eat all the bones left in her eyes!

Liu Bei was expressionless, his mind was full of thoughts, how to walk after getting off the car, so as not to tremble crookedly?
The security guard opened the car door for him, and the moment Yan Huan got out of the car, deafening shouts erupted!

"Liu Bei! Husband!!!"

My god, this bomber-like decibel, the extradition building will be bombed by them.

Yan Huan frowned, turned around and went to the co-pilot to help Liu Bei.

He bent down and got out of the car, with a deep groove on his chest, delicate and delicate collarbone, charming facial features, and long curly hair behind his head. He was as beautiful as a fairy who could not eat fireworks.

However, the immortal energy only lasted for a few seconds.

As soon as he took a step, his feet tilted and fell to one side, but he was able to support him with a quick eye and a quick hand!

The media clicked to take photos, and Liu Bei was embarrassed.

Yan Huan supported him, and he walked into the hall slowly and strangely.

The entire venue on the [-]th floor was reserved, and there was a lot of voices in the venue. After Yan Huan and Liu Bei stepped into the venue, the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Yan Huan stood on the high platform with a polite smile, and started the official manuscript.

"Yesterday's news pushed me and my lady beside me to the peak of public opinion. I have always wanted to announce this matter, but I was afraid that the exposure would affect our private life."

The reporters below were a little confused.


They thought that the press conference held this time was to clarify that he had nothing to do with that woman.

The more everyone listened, the more stunned they became, until the end, Yan Huan concluded.

"This Miss Sun beside me, I have been in love with her for a long time, now, I would like to introduce to you officially, Miss Sun is my girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, Yan Huan turned his head and gave Liu Bei a gentle smile, and took his hand by the way.

The crowd was in an uproar!

Did they hear wrong? !

Liu Bei, who has lived among thousands of flowers without touching his body for thousands of years, has announced his love affair? !
Or with this ordinary woman who is neither a celebrity model nor a business person? !
This is really... shocking news!
Everyone was stunned for a while before they remembered that they should take pictures at this time!
[Ding——the system can now help players and raiders exchange their souls, do players accept it? 】

 Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Han Yunchen for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to Ju_beyond for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [This winter is warm because of you, hug me~]


  Recently, many cuties have withdrawn from the group. Mengmeng reflected on it. Before that, she had little time to accompany everyone because she was in school. Now that she is on vacation, homework, papers, code words, family, boyfriend, and all kinds of messy things take up a lot of time. As a result, Mengmeng rarely has time to chat with everyone in the group.

  This is the first time Mengmeng has written a book, and it is the first time that so many readers support her. She really wants to take care of everyone's emotions, but because she spends so little time with everyone, she still makes some cuties feel wronged or unhappy.

  I will try my best to spend more time with everyone in the future. In fact, it’s okay to quit the group. Everyone is happy every day, and Mengmeng is also happy!love you (bixin)

(End of this chapter)

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