Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 490 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 490 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (20)

With the noisy photo taking and discussion, Yan Huan couldn't hear what the system said at all.

The system had to repeat itself again.

[The system can now help players and raiders exchange their souls, do players accept it? 】

Change back now? !
Yan Huan's expression moved slightly, he took the microphone, and said something apologetic.

"Sorry, the company still has a lot to deal with. Ms. Sun and I will leave first."

He took Liu Bei off the stage and was escorted by security guards.

She completed the most crucial link, and left the rest to Liu Bei's PR department.

For her, the most important thing now is to get her body back!
She has had enough of Liu Bei's broken body!
There were still many people waiting downstairs in the extradition, Yan Huan maintained his usual aloofness, and got into the car with Liu Bei without looking sideways.

The moment the door closed, Yan Huan's head went dizzy, and his eyes went dark for a moment, and then he came to his senses, she had returned to the original Sun Shangxiang's body!

The efficiency of the system is very fast, and there are no side effects!

Liu Bei looked at his hands belatedly, then touched his face, and murmured in disbelief.

"Are we... in exchange?"

Yan Huan nodded happily, "Yes, yes! I just said let nature take its course. When it's time to change it back, I will definitely, I will definitely change it back..."

Her happy voice became weaker and weaker as Liu Bei evoked a sinister smile.

Yan Huan moved away from him vigilantly, "What's your expression?"

Liu Bei raised half of his eyebrows, "You said, should I kill you, so as to ensure that the soul exchange will not happen again?"

Yan Huan put on a straight face, raised his chin slightly, with ironic disdain.

"Heh, there are only two of us in the back seat of the car. Do you think you can kill a Kingsman?"

The atmosphere is deadlocked.

Liu Bei shook his head suddenly, and sighed, "You are a woman, shouldn't you be like a cowering cat, begging me pitifully and helplessly not to kill you?"

Yan Huan:. . .

She crossed her arms, her light green pupils were domineering and arrogant, "Cat? Let me tell you, I'm a big Tibetan Mastiff!"

Liu Bei laughed lightly.

"You woman, you are actually quite interesting, but you are here to assassinate me, so I can only act first, otherwise... Is it possible to wait for you to kill me and successfully complete the mission?"

His tone was indifferent, even a little tinged with a smile, his long eyes curved a little gently, but the inside was clearly cold.

Yan Huan stared at his face, and suddenly felt that Liu Bei was very strange after returning to his own body.

She has never fought against Liu Bei, so she doesn't know how capable he is.

Now in the small space in the car, she is really good in close combat, but Liu Bei is also an opponent that should not be underestimated.

She smiled, "It may not be so easy for you to kill me."

Liu Bei put his finger prints into the crevice of the seat, and a small drawer popped out from under his seat. He quickly took the contents of the drawer, and blew lightly casually.

It turned out to be a pistol!

I rely on!This old bastard actually hid a pistol under the car seat? !
Yan Huan was dumbfounded!
"You're an agent, of course it's not that easy for me to kill you,'s easy for it to kill you."

His tone was casual, and he smiled happily at Yan, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

Yan Huan's scalp went numb for a while, and his back was tense because of the tension.

Damn!This Raider wants to kill her, why is there such a snake skin operation! ! !
Simpler!The way of strategy is simple!

(End of this chapter)

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