Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 491 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 491 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (21)

Yan Huan pretended to be calm, and smiled a little, "You...speak well, don't point your gun at me..."

She was actually scared to death!

The muzzle of the dark gun was pointed at her, as long as Liu Bei pulled the trigger, her life would be over!

She secretly asked the system, "Does the system still have my resurrection armor?"


"Can diamonds buy resurrection armor?"

[2000 diamonds can be used to buy the Resurrection Armor, but currently the player does not have enough diamonds. 】

Yan Huan:. . .

God is going to kill me QAQ
The system can't be counted on, now, she can only rely on herself.

She swallowed hard, "Liu Bei, I won't kill you. Didn't you say that you didn't smuggle arms or sell drugs? I believe you! A good person like you shouldn't die!"

No matter how you listen to this sentence, you feel that it is hypocrisy.

But she really won't kill him.

He is a strategy character, if he is killed, she is playing with wool in this plane by herself?

Liu Bei was indifferent, as if deliberately teasing her, his fingers were near the trigger, rubbing back and forth.

There are ten thousand words in Yan Huan's heart that MMP wants to give him.

"Anyway, we have been brothers and sisters once. Now you just turn your face and deny people, isn't it good?"

Speaking of this, Liu Bei's face darkened immediately, "You still have the nerve to mention that?!"

"Who threatened me by going whoring at every turn?!"

Yan Huan: It's me, it's me, it's me...QAQ
"Who was squatting upright by the reporters in the red-light district, leading to such a farce?!"

Yan Huan: It's me, it's me, it's me...QAQ
"Who caused me to be scolded to death as a shemale and kissed by a dead gay?!"

Yan Huan was pretending to be cowardly at first, but when he heard this, he immediately perked up!
"It's not me! There's a grievance and a debtor, whoever bullies you, go find him instead of me!"

Liu Bei was expressionless.

Yan Huan analyzed with him logically, "Think about it, if you kill me, there will be other agents to assassinate you, it's impossible to guard against!"

"So, what you have to do now is not to kill me, find evidence to prove that you did not smuggle arms and drugs, so that the headquarters will not send someone to assassinate you!"

Seeing that Liu Bei's expression was a little loose, she continued to brainwash him.

"I am the ace agent of the Military Intelligence Department. My specialty is investigation and assassination. Don't kill me. I will definitely find evidence to prove your innocence!"

Her eyes were shining brightly, like the finest emeralds embedded in them.

Liu Bei hesitated a little.

Sun Shangxiang's words are not without reason.

Even if he kills her now, there will definitely be other agents to assassinate him in the future. It is unknown what occasion and method that person will choose.

To solve a problem, we must solve the root of the problem.

Liu Bei finally retracted the pistol and put it back in its original place.

"There is no basis for verbal claims, and an agreement must be made."

Yan Huan:. . .

Now that he can pull out a gun and kill her at any time, can she still say no?
"How to get agreement?"

Liu Bei glanced at her, "I will be responsible for writing the agreement, you just need to sign it."

Yan Huan burst into tears.

What good agreement can Liu Bei write?Don't write a deed of sale!
[Insert Unscrupulous Little Theater]

In the car, Liu Bei was pointing a pistol at Yan Huan, his fingers resting on the trigger, motionless, Yan Huan was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe.


A sudden stop!
Liu Bei couldn't control his fingers, and shot Yan Huan directly when he pressed the trigger!
[Player Raiders Failed]

【Player will be obliterated】

This book is... over.

(End of this chapter)

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