Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 508 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 508 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (38)

Yan Huan raised her eyes and glanced at him, her tone was undeniable, "Go! I'll keep an eye on the people around you."

Liu Bei raised his eyebrows, and refused without hesitation, "No! You jump down first, and I'll help you watch!"

Yan Huan kicked him angrily, impatiently, "Why are you being humble at this time?! If you are told to go, go! Don't worry, my life is my own. I am more afraid of my own death than you!"

Her words were eager and domineering, Liu Bei frowned, his eyes hesitated.

Abandon her and leave first?

Then what kind of man is he!

Liu Bei stood still, and said Huanan angrily, "Hurry up and go! If this drags on, neither of us will be able to leave!"

That's the truth, but...

Liu Bei hesitated to speak and looked at Yan Huan a few more times, she glared at herself angrily, helplessly, Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful!"

He rushed over quickly, fell off the railing, and jumped into the sea!

He also knew that dawdling at this time was a complete waste of time, waiting for the people in the dark to shoot them to death.

The sea water was salty, and Liu Bei's heart also became astringent.

With Sun Shangxiang's skills, she must be fine, and she will definitely be able to jump off.

He thought so, but his heart was still flustered and worried.

Why is there still no movement?
Why hasn't she jumped off yet? !
Liu Bei didn't swim far, but waited for Yan Huan to come down near the place where he jumped off.

Time passed slowly, which was extremely tormenting.

Until a "plop" sound!
Liu Bei listened to it at this time, and it was as sweet as the sounds of nature!
Yan Huan jumped into the sea, the salty seawater soaked into her wound, she frowned in pain!
Sprinkle salt on the wound, today she finally experienced it!
The blood from her wound dyed a small piece of seawater light red.

The person hiding in the dark hadn't been able to find Liu Bei's location. With this clue, he aimed his sniper rifle at the location, and fired a few more shots at the small piece of reddish sea water!

Yan Huan groaned and choked on the seawater!
mmp!That goddamn sniper shot her coldly and hit her thigh!

She can't move her right hand, and now she can't use her left leg, so she can't swim at all!
Her body sank, Liu Bei grabbed her waist, brought her up from the water, and held her in his arms with one hand.

"Shot again?"

His brows and eyes were full of distress, and his eyes were full of anger and mania. He hammered down the water and gritted his teeth.

"When I go back and find out who the sniper is, I must chop him up!"

Yan Huan paddled with his left hand, his voice was a bit listless, "Swim to a safe place first..."

Liu Bei pursed his lips and didn't say any more. He hugged Yan Huan tightly with one hand, held his breath with her, and dived into the sea.

After swimming out for a while, her wound was soaked in sea water and turned white, and her blood was gone. At this time, she was already some distance away from Liu's cargo ship.

But they dare not take it lightly.

Dive in and swim for a while, then come out of the sea to take a breath, and dive in again.

After swimming like this for an unknown how long, Yan Huan was already exhausted. She tried to support her body, but she lost too much blood, and her physical strength became weaker and weaker.

"Hold on a little longer, there is a fishing boat over there!"

Liu Bei held Yan Huan in his arms, her body was cold, her face was pale, her eyes were half closed, and the light in her eyes was erratic and empty.

The two gunshot wounds on his body had been soaked in seawater for a long time, and as long as he moved, the wounds were painful like needle pricks.

She can't hold on any longer...

Yan Huan grabbed Liu Bei's arm, moved his lips and wanted to say something more, but fainted in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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