Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 509 Missy arrives, get out of the way!

Chapter 509 Missy arrives, get out of the way! (39)

Boundless darkness.

The excruciating pain came from her shoulders and legs, forcibly pulling her out of the coma.

Before she could change the wet clothes on her body, she lowered her head and looked at her right shoulder. The wound was already covered with a bandage, which seemed to have been bandaged.

"woke up?"

Liu Bei helped her up, poured her a cup of hot water, wrinkled his brows with worry, and suppressed his heartache.

"Drink some hot water, you may catch a cold after soaking in sea water for too long."

Yan Huan nodded with a pale face, took the water glass in his hand with one hand, and drank slowly.

Liu Bei touched his nose in embarrassment.

In the idol drama, shouldn't he be the one who thoughtfully feed her water at this time?

But with Sun Shangxiang's cold and serious expression, she reached out to take the water glass, and Liu Bei gave it to her in a strange way, watching her silently after drinking the water, and then took the glass back from her hand.

"Is the bullet out?"

Liu Bei shook his head apologetically.

"There is no professional doctor on this cargo ship, only the usual medical kit. I simply bandaged it for you. You have to go to the hospital to take out the bullet."

Yan Huan nodded, "Then when will this cargo ship dock?"

Liu Bei glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, "It's already approaching the shore, and it will take about half an hour."

She nodded lightly, leaning on the bed without speaking.

This is a fishing boat for fishing. The salty smell of the sea breeze in the boat is mixed with the fishy smell of seafood.

She closed her eyes, planning to close her eyes for another meditation session.

Finally escaped, with the protection of anti-injury stabbing armor, her injuries were not too serious.

Who was the person who was hiding in the dark and attacking them?

At such a long distance, he should use a sniper rifle.

Country C strictly prohibits the sale of guns, and guns like sniper rifles are even more difficult to obtain.

Is it...

The fishing boat shook violently, and Yan Huan opened his eyes abruptly.

what happened?Did it collide with another ship?
Before she had time to think about it, Yan Huan got out of bed and wanted to go out to have a look, but Liu Bei grabbed her wrist and spoke with reproach.

"You're hurt, don't go out, I'll go and have a look."

Before he went out, a man with a panicked expression and dark skin walked in from the outside.

"A motorboat crashed into our fishing boat. I saw that man had a gun in his hand!"


Could it be that the people in the dark are chasing after them again? !
It doesn't make sense, they obviously came by diving from the sea, how did that person find out they were here? !

"A man in a police uniform?"

The dark man shook his head, "It's a man in black, and there are several people behind him!"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, feeling anxious inside.

They lost their rifles when they jumped into the sea, and now she and Liu Bei only have two pistols in their hands, and she doesn't have many bullets in her pistol.

Those few people came prepared, in a situation like her and Liu Bei's, there was no chance of winning at all!
Only then ran away.

"Is there a lifeboat to escape from? Or something like that?"

Liu Bei took off the watch from his wrist and handed it to the dark man with a sincere tone, "If you have any, please lend it to us."

The swarthy man glanced at the English brand on the watch. The black gold material was shining with a low-key and luxurious luster, and the appearance alone was worth a lot.

He put down the watch with a smile, "Okay, you come with me."

The dark man led Yan Huan and Liu Bei to leave quickly through the small passage at the back, opened a part of the deck, went down the stairs, and brought them to the front of the lifeboat.

After a brief instruction on how to drive, Liu Bei helped Yan Huan onto the lifeboat.

It's nighttime, and they're sneaking away, largely undetected.

(End of this chapter)

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