Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 579 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 579 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (43)

The eldest brother of the Bai family shook his head lightly, and said helplessly, "In that case, then I...will accompany you back to get the medicine."

Yan Huan nodded obediently, followed her elder brother silently, and walked towards the palace.

She appeared to be well-behaved as usual, but only she knew that at this moment, her scalp was numb and her body and limbs were stiff. She pinched her palms tightly, and only then did she control the terrified fear.

This big brother is fake.

So...who is pretending to be?
What is the purpose of taking her away under the pretext?

Yan Huan's face turned pale, and he tried to take several deep breaths, barely suppressing his fear and panic.

There was no guard at the door of her room. The eldest brother of the Bai family stood by the door, his slightly raised lips seemed to be gentle, and his familiar and friendly eyebrows and eyes looked extremely cautious and panicked at this moment.

"Go get the medicine."

Yan Huan nodded, a sharp pain came from her pinched palm, her heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to pop out!

What about the other brothers? !
I used to run here at every turn, why didn't any of them come today? !

She pretended to rummage around, and the uneasiness in her heart intensified.

The primordial spirit has not been pieced together, and now her spiritual root is still weak, let alone a fight, a little fairy and little devil can beat her to death with a flick of a finger!

And the person in front of him must have a very high level of cultivation to sneak into the Six Sacred Seas, and he has yet to be discovered by transforming into the appearance of her elder brother. It's simply...

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!
Yan Huan's mind was confused, her emotions fluctuated, and the atmosphere was unusually silent. Her complexion was getting worse and worse, and her hand, which was looking for the pills, couldn't stop shaking!
Don't panic, don't panic!

Although the enemy seems to be very powerful, but...she can't mess herself up first!

"Have you found it?"

With a sudden sound in his ear, Yan Huan was startled, his face turned pale, and his eyes widened in horror!
The eldest brother of the Bai family looked down at her sitting on the bed with a calm expression.

Yan Huan laughed dryly, "I... haven't, I haven't found it yet. The third brother gave me the porcelain bottle at the time, and I put it away, but I don't know where to put it..."

After finishing speaking, she pretended to search at the end of the bed again.

Why has it been so long, and no one has come over at all? !
Where are her brothers? !
Did the group go missing? !
And where did the guards who were guarding her go? !
The eldest brother of the Bai family grabbed her wrist, and his words were gentle, inexplicably oppressive, "I'm afraid you remembered wrongly, the third brother didn't give you the pill at all."

Yan Huan stared at him, and in the entire room, only her heart beating like a drum could be heard in the silence.

"Is it?"

The eldest brother of the Bai family smiled and nodded accurately, "Well, you must have misremembered. Let's go to Tiangong as soon as possible. It's not good to ask the Emperor of Heaven to wait for a long time."

Yan Huan tried hard to pull her wrist out of his hand, but he was so strong that he clasped her wrist tightly, without any explanation, almost dragging her out of the room.

If this goes out of the palace, then out of the Six Sacred Seas...

Then she is really screaming every day, and the earth is not working!
She simply yelled, "Brother, let go, you hurt me!"

The elder brother of the Bai family paused, turned around and smiled, his eyes were cold, "Is that why you don't want to go to Tiangong with elder brother?"

The shout just now did not attract the guards.

The princess and the clan emperor are arguing, what are these guards doing here?
Therefore, there were no guards in charge of her.

The eldest brother of the Bai family stared at her pupils, and raised the corners of his lips strangely.

"Why are you disobedient this time? Last time, you were clearly obedient..."

 Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Biluo Tianyu for rewarding 2088 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you ice cream for rewarding 200 book coins~

  [Good night, good night, good night! ! !Hug everyone crazy kiss! ! ! 】

  [I'm going to sleep, I can't do it anymore, I copied English papers, and when I closed my eyes, it was full of English letters QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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