Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 580 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 580 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (44)

what did he say?
Last time, she was very obedient?
Last time was...

Yan Huan suddenly realized!
"Are you... the one who sent the news to me back then?"

The eldest brother of the Bai family looked at her coldly and condescendingly, "The reaction is quite fast. I didn't expect to live again, and your mind has grown a lot."

He raised his hand to weave a barrier to isolate Yan Huan from the outside world, Yan Huan gritted his teeth angrily, "Despicable!"

Isn't it because she is afraid that she will call the guards? !
It's despicable enough!
He grabbed Yan Huan's wrist tightly, Yan Huan couldn't pull out his hand, so he simply let him hold it, and said in a cold voice, "Are you... from the Demon Realm?"

He curled his lips into a sneer, his eyes were contemptuous and haughty like looking down on an ant, "Don't worry, you will know who I am before you die."

Yan Huan hurriedly said, "Wait! I... Where's my elder brother? Did you..."

She wanted to delay time, if she could delay for a while, it would be a while.

This person can sneak into the Six Sacred Seas so easily, and she hasn't seen any of the other brothers in such a long time!
This person must have planned and arranged everything just right before sneaking into the Six Sacred Seas.

She is now a fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, without the ability to resist, and has no foreign aid yet!

He was willing to answer her, but his tone was still cold, "Don't worry, your elder brother is not dead, the emperor of the Jiao clan, it is not so easy to die."

His eyebrows are disdainful, as if he doesn't like anyone in this world.

"Then my other brothers, have you also tricked them away?"

He crossed his arms and looked at her coolly, "Yeah."

Yan Huan:. . .

"Are you..."

The fake big brother finally lost his patience. He raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly, "I said you are delaying time like this, is it interesting?"

Yan Huan: Do you think I want to waste time here with you? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

If I could find foreign aid, I would have already ordered someone to beat your dog's head to pieces, why do you still have to be so cowardly? !
foreign aid……

Something flashed through her mind, her tense nerves suddenly relaxed!

She seems to be able to invite foreign aid!

The man raised his hand, and a ball of spiritual energy rose from his palm. He smiled and said sarcastically, "I didn't want to kill you here. After all, if I kill you here, it will be difficult for me to get out of the Six Sacred Seas."

He suppressed his smile and looked sullen, "Since you have discovered the clue, then I have no choice but to kill you here."

He hooked his lips, his face was full of crazy pleasure of revenge, "Remember, this time, you still died because of Zhuge Liang!"

She yelled in her heart, "System!!! Help!!! I want to use the hero experience card!!!"

The fake big brother grabbed her wrist, not allowing her to escape, his eyes suddenly turned bitter, "I don't believe that Zhuge Liang can still hold your soul fragments!"

[Do players want to use hero experience cards? 】

"and many more!"

The system stopped the beep, and the movement of the man's subordinates also stopped.

His brain was in a mess, Yan Huan was heartbroken, and crazily complained about the system in his heart.

"Tell him to wait, not tell you to wait!"

system:. . .

[Do players want to use hero experience cards? 】

The man said impatiently, "What's wrong?"

Yan Huan licked his lower lip, and replied to the system with absolute certainty in his heart, "Sure!"

She looked at the man, her pupils shrank nervously.

"You said, before I die, you will let me know who you really are!"

He sneered, before he could speak, a light blue halo suddenly rose beside Yan Huan.

 Thank you Jiang Sei for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Duke Amos for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Xuetangying for 400 book coins~

  Thank you Xuansu soda for rewarding 788 book coins~

  Thank you Zhaileishan for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank Xue Kaixi for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you Moshang Jintang for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 200 book coins~

  [School starts tomorrow. .Falling into the arms of the cuties, I don’t want to go to school QAQ】

  【Who is the hero that came out... What is our slogan?Do something!Do something!Do something! 】

(End of this chapter)

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