Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 591 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 591 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (55)

Under the supervision of the sixth child, Yan Huan drank a bowl of medicine slowly, she wiped the corners of her lips, her face was lonely, without Yan Huan, she lost her previous lively spirit.

"Yanyan, don't be upset, Zhuge Liang was just locked in a water prison, and we didn't do anything to him."

Yan Huan raised his eyes, glanced at Lao Liu coolly, and talked to him lazily.

Her voice was muffled, "Sixth brother, go out, I want to stay by myself."

Lao Liu said cautiously, "Yanyan, you won't be overthinking it, right? This is a trivial matter, Zhuge Liang is not dead yet, even if he is dead, don't..."

Yan Huan had no choice but to interrupt his words, dragging out the ending, "Sixth Brother..."

She has such a glassy heart that she can't think of committing suicide at every turn?

"Don't worry, I just want to be alone for a while."

Lao Liu turned his head three times a step, looked at her several times worriedly, and then reluctantly closed the door for her.

The system held back his words, not knowing whether to speak or not.

Do you want to tell the players that Zhuge Liang is with Zhao Yun now?

For the first time, the system got into a tangle.

It stands to reason that this matter should be reported to the player.

But...with player No. 438's temperament, if she finds out, she can't break into the dungeon to break up Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun?
Then there will be a lot of trouble!

Anyway, the data from the system shows that Zhuge Liang doesn't have a favorable opinion of Zhao Yun, so it doesn't matter if the player knows... or not.

The hero experience card is limited to one day, and Zhao Yun will be taken back by the system soon.

Just one day, and nothing happens.

Therefore, the system silently did not remind Yan Huan, but only reminded the progress of the true love value.

[Player true love value +20, current total true love value: 20]

Yan Huan lay on the bed with empty eyes, and spoke weakly.

"System, why do I feel that this anti-raider is worse than the Raider?"

System Heart: That's because you have six bad brothers.

[In terms of task difficulty, the anti-attack plane is easier than the attack plane]

The system rationally analyzed.

Because there is no hidden task, only true love is worth this task, you can't get true love for counter-raiders, blame me?
She closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

Now her brothers have confirmed that there is a problem with the Yuanshen fragments, and that it was Zhuge Liang who moved the hands and feet.

How can this be explained?
Zhuge Liang would definitely not do anything on the fragments of Yuanshen, there must be someone else.

So what we have to do now is to catch the real manipulator, let that person admit it, and return Zhuge Liang's innocence!
She has never had any grudges with others, so no one should intentionally harm her. Speaking of enemies... Yan Huan only thought of Lingyue Diji.

Lingyue Diji should be the one who hates her the most and wants to kill her the most.

And when Lingyue Diji was about to leave, she had that venomous look in her eyes and her determined words.

"Don't worry, you will definitely die before me!"

So sure she's going to die...

The fragment of the primordial spirit is most likely the hands and feet of Lingyue Emperor Ji!

If it wasn't for the second brother who found something wrong and directly put the soul fragments into her body, maybe she would have finished playing by now!
Yan Huan thumped the surface of the bed angrily!
This woman is really vicious!
Harm her over and over again, if it's not clear, then it's dark.

It really is the needle from the tail of the wasp, the most poisonous woman's heart!

No, the Hornet and the woman are not as vicious as a dead woman like Lingyue Diji!
Yan Huan gritted his teeth, his face gloomy.

This dead woman must be caught, and let the brothers know that she did all of this, so that they will not continue to doubt Zhuge Liang!

Yan Huan sat up from the bed, hurriedly walked to her elder brother's room again.

 Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 99 book coins for attacking~

  Thank you Su Youruo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Siyi for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you, please call me Ergouzi (朱景) for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Ke Qie for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Lie in everyone's arms Sujuejue! ! !Good night! ! ! 】

  [The next plane, do you want to see sweet or salty?Pooh!It's not salty, it's kind of abusive...

  The cruel words are in line with the miserable atmosphere of the beginning of school, and the sweet words can be regarded as a spiritual comfort to the catastrophic drama of the beginning of school...]

(End of this chapter)

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