Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 592 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 592 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (56)

Yan Huan felt that this anti-raider plane was really bad and worrying.

She stood in front of her elder brother's door, unable to support her forehead, hesitated for a while, and was about to knock on the door, when the guard at the door said something awkward.

"Princess, the clan emperor ordered him to rest, and no one will be seen."

Yan Huan pouted, "Anyone...including me?"

Guard your heart: This order from the clan emperor is actually for you alone.

He smiled awkwardly, "Yes, no one will be seen."

Yan Huan:. . .

"Then do you know when elder brother can see me?"

"Subordinates don't know."

"Then do you know when elder brother will interrogate Zhuge Liang?"

"Subordinates don't know."

"Then do you know where the water prison is?"

"Subordinates don't know."

Yan Huan:. . .

She lowered her face and sighed, "You don't know this, you don't know that, you..."

She curled her lips, shook her sleeves and left in disgust, aggrieved, and muttered to herself, "What kind of guard are you?"

guard:. . .

Because the Clan Emperor ordered it, even if he knew it, he couldn’t tell you…

The water prison is the place where the Jiao clan detains sinners. It is dark and hidden, surrounded by heavy guards. If you want to enter the water prison, you must have a warrant from the clan emperor. In short...

Yan Huan wanted to release Zhuge Liang secretly, but he didn't even think about it.

She went back to the room with a heavy heart, the light was getting darker and darker, the night pearl gave off a soft and bright halo, and the little piglet was lying lazily on the ground, humming and bubbling.

"Hey, bright..."

She caressed the little piggy's belly, squatted on the ground, held her chin and sighed, "My Liangliang, when will I come out..."


At night, the ripples of the sea are projected on the ground by the light moonlight, rippling slightly, the water plants swaying slightly, small shellfish crawling slowly on the reef, the halo of the night pearl is soft, just suitable for falling asleep.

Yan Huan had something on her mind, so she didn't sleep soundly. There were hurried footsteps outside the door, she frowned, and woke up from her sleep.

Another group of people trotted past her door, and further away, noisy voices could be heard, Yan Huan threw off the quilt, hurriedly put on his clothes, and quickly got out of bed.

Could it be that Zhuge Liang is going to be interrogated now?

That's too much!

At night, when she was asleep, she secretly interrogated Zhuge Liang. Who knew if she was going to bully him with torture? !

Yan Huan lowered his face, opened the door and caught a guard in front, "What's wrong? What happened?"

The guard hurriedly saluted, with an anxious expression on his face, "An outsider broke into the water dungeon! I have to rush to help!"

Yan Huan was stunned, an outsider broke in?

While she was in a daze, the guard had already run away, Yan Huan lifted his skirt and chased after him.

The entire palace was filled with a tense atmosphere, depressing silence, and guards from all over the place gathered in the water dungeon.

The deeper the front, the darker the light. There is no night pearl lighting near the water prison, and the dark aquatic plants are dense like a forest, dense and opaque, and there are eerie and strange horrors everywhere.

Yan Huan walked cautiously behind the guards, and managed to reach the door of the water prison.

Her fifth and sixth brothers stood guard at the door, and when they saw Yan Huan, they raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Yanyan? Why did you come here? The second brother is going to protect you!"

Yan Huan laughed dryly, "I heard that outsiders have invaded, so I was wondering...why I come to help."

The fourth child raised his forehead, "You, you are doing us the greatest favor by staying in the room obediently and not coming out!"

He came over and was about to sneak Yan Huan back, but Yan Huan nimbly dodged to the side.

"Fourth brother... tell me who is the one who broke in first?"

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  [Another day of being fostered, Kai Xun circled around~]

  [The meat that I promised you to prepare for fragrance has already been passed on to the V group, hehe, this time it is definitely meat, not broth!Kudos to me for my progress! 】

(End of this chapter)

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