Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 603 Peach and plum spring breeze, not as good as one-eyed Zhang Mou

Chapter 603 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (67)

Yan Huan didn't know how long he slept in a daze.

The system hesitated to speak many times, but felt that players should be allowed to complete this plane independently, and it was inconvenient for it to interfere too much.

It just let Yan Huan cry to sleep and wake up crying.

The snow has melted, and although the winter sun is warm, it is still icy cold. The air seems to be condensed with ice particles, and people will tremble with cold when they breathe.

Yan Huan weakly opened her eyes, the sun was in the middle of the sun, so dazzling that she raised her hands to cover her eyes.

She doesn't want to wake up.

Woke up with endless pain.

If she could never wake up and be immersed in a dream, it would be a kind of relief for her.

She closed her eyes and prepared to go back to sleep, but the system couldn't stand it any longer.

[Player, sit up and look at the position in front of you on the left]

Yan Huan remained motionless.

[Beside the thatched cottage in the front left, there is a peach blossom tree! 】

Yan Huan suddenly opened his eyes!

"What did you say?"

The system turned up the volume.

[Sit up and look at your left front, you will know! 】

Yan Huan slowly sat up from the ground, her hair was disheveled like a lunatic, she turned her head and looked to the front left...

There was a young sapling there.

Is this the peach blossom tree the system said?
peach tree...

Peach tree? !

Yan Huan got up suddenly, staggered a few steps, and ran to the peach blossom tree.

She touched the tree trunk with her hand, almost shaking her hand, exuding the aura of Zhuge Liang's primordial spirit.

He... turned into a peach blossom tree?
There is still vitality, that is... not dead? !

"He's not dead! Then, then I..."

Yan Huan's head was in a mess, she supported the young tree trunk, fearing that the biting cold wind would break it.

She wants to save Zhuge Liang and let him transform into a human again!
Let her pass the spirit energy for him, pass the spirit energy...does it work?

Now that he is a tree, can he benefit from the aura she gave him?
Yan Huan was burning with anxiety, biting her lip and staring at the thin tree trunk, feeling upset and at a loss for what to do.

He nourished her with his heart and blood.


Where is her blood?
By the way, her original body is complete now, she is a saint of the Three Realms!

Her blood can bring the dead back to life!

Then Zhuge Liang...

The system finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The player's IQ is finally online.

Yan Huan shook her hands and cut a cut on her arm, blood spilled out, she moved her wrist close to the root of the peach tree, the bright red blood dripped into the soil, reflecting the dark soil was deep red.

No matter how much blood shed, she was not afraid.

As long as Zhuge Liang can come back!

The young saplings seemed to be enchanted, and they grew rapidly, the trunk became thicker and thicker, and the sparse branches grew lush, and in the cold winter, they even sprouted green shoots.

The green leaves are shiny and emerald, and the branches and leaves are more lush and stretched out, completely blocking the entire thatched cottage.

Her blood is indeed useful.

The roots of the tree were still absorbing her blood, and among the dense leaves, some buds began to appear, and there were more and more buds, Yan Huan leaned weakly against the thick trunk, smiling contentedly.

At that moment, all the pink peach blossoms bloomed suddenly. In the cold winter, the clusters of peach blossoms added color to the gray and white winter.

She leaned against the tree, her eyes half closed weakly, her wrists were still bleeding, and she heard a voice as warm as jade, as if in a dream.

"Can Xiaoxian invite Lord Shangxian to have a cup of peach blossom wine?"

Her eyes were hot, and her voice trembled slightly, "But I don't drink well, and I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble if I drink too much."

Zhuge Liang walked out from behind the tree, the wind was shining brightly, the moon was shining brightly, and he was affectionate.

"It's okay, Xiaoxian sings Taoyao to lull Shangxian to sleep peacefully."

(End of this chapter)

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