Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 604 The spring breeze of peaches and plums is not as good as one-eyed chapter eyes

Chapter 604 Peach and plum spring breeze, it is better to look back (end)
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The past.

10 million years ago.

Wuling has not had a drop of rain for three consecutive years.

There is no harvest, the ground is cracked, the people are in dire straits, and starvation is everywhere.

Although Taohuayuan was called Taohuayuan at this time, it was not as dense as it was later, only a few sparse peach trees.

The eldest prince of the Jiao clan is not the emperor of the Jiao clan at this time, he came to the mortal world to do business under his father's order.

My little sister has been living in Liushenghai for many years, and has never been out of other places. She begged him pitifully for several days to come to see the world, but he had no choice but to take this little follower with her.

There is a severe drought in the world, and people can't survive, let alone the trees and flowers. They are depressed and decaying everywhere. Bai Qingyan follows her elder brother, her little eyebrows are frowned, and she is not happy at all.

The mortal world is not as interesting as what Grandpa Turtle said.

This old turtle actually lied to himself, causing him to make this trip for nothing!
Bai Qingyan grinds her teeth, poking inwardly, when she goes back, she will definitely peel off the old turtle's shell!
At this time, she was only a few hundred years old, and she was still a little girl of seven or eight years old. Although everything in the world was not good, she was full of curiosity.

Taking advantage of the time when her elder brother was talking with the God of Jinglu Mountain, she slipped into the peach blossom garden and looked around wildly.

She has lived in the sea all year round, and has never seen these trees in the mortal world, so she finds it very novel.

Bai Qingyan raised her hand and touched the rough tree trunk. The feeling was very strange. She tilted her head, her eyes were full of brilliance.

But the tree seems to be dying.

She wrinkled her face, feeling a little sorry.

This is the first tree she has seen in the world, the branches are shaped, and it is quite beautiful.

What a pity to die, this tree is so beautiful.

Bai Qingyan stood in front of the tree, looking at a few withered and yellow leaves, and at the back of her elder brother in the distance.

The brothers said that her blood is so powerful that it can bring the dead back to life.

Even immortals and demons can be brought back to life, this little tree is naturally no problem.

Bai Qingyan looked down at her white and tender fingers, her face hesitated, and after hesitating for a long time, she used her spiritual power to cut a small cut on her finger.

The blood dripped and seeped into the soil beside the tree, and the dry branches became moister!
Bai Qingyan's eyes lit up!
The tree was nourished with her blood for a while, and some new green leaves had grown on the branches. It seemed that the branches were thicker and full of vitality.

She patted the tree trunk with her small hands, arrogant and domineering, "Little tree, I saved your life, then you will be my tree from now on!"

"Yan Yan?"

Her elder brother called her, and Bai Qingyan rushed to him, "Come on, come on!"

She turned her head and added something to the tree.

"My name is Bai Qingyan, and I'm the princess of the Jiao Clan. If you have a chance to become an immortal, come and play with me in the Six Sacred Seas."

Holding the hem of her skirt, she ran away quickly.

The tree that was brought back from dying had spiritual consciousness, and the little girl's clear and melodious voice was like an oriole, lingering in his mind.

He only saw the back of the little girl trotting away with her skirt lifted.

Xia's pink dress, in his mind, will stay there for tens of thousands of years.

From then on, the peach blossoms in his original body were rosy pink, and the peach blossoms in the forest were also rosy pink.

That year, Bai Qingyan stood at the gate of Wuling, reciting the words on the door plaque, with a melodious and crisp voice, and the back view of Xia Fen's dress.

His gaze stayed for a while longer.

Unexpectedly, from then on, her whole heart remained on her.

When I say we have seen each other, we have indeed seen each other, and I have never lied to you.

(End of this chapter)

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