Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 607 Childhood sweethearts are the reasons for willfulness

Chapter 607 Childhood sweethearts are the reasons for willfulness (Baili Xuance)
[Add more updates for Gloomy~]

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Congratulations to the player for successfully countering the Raiders Plane 10, rewarding diamonds x 400]

[The player successfully counter-attacks for the first time, special rewards, in the next plane, choose the player's identity independently]

Can choose independently? !

The system really found out that the sun came out from the west!
Yan Huan blurted out without hesitation.

"I want to be fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, with a bulging front and a small waist!"

system:. . .

[The system will provide the following options, players please choose independently]

1 [Xueba classmate]: 6 points for appearance, 6 points for figure, 10 points for IQ, and 6 points for the chance of contacting raiders.

2 [Beauty assistant class]: 10 points for appearance, 10 points for figure, 6 points for IQ, and 8 points for the chance of contacting Raiders.

3 [Yujie Qingmei]: 7 points for appearance, 7 points for figure, 7 points for IQ, and 10 points for the chance to contact the Raiders.

[Please choose one of the above three identities]

Yan Huan:. . .

On the surface, I don’t want to smile, but on the surface, I just want to mmp!

Only three options?Is it a special reward?

Do you want the system to be so shabby?

And none of these three is perfect!

She scratched her hair and got into a tangle.

She wanted to choose someone who was beautiful and had a high IQ, but she also wanted to have more contact with the Raiders.

"System, do the strategy characters like beautiful people, or people with high IQ, or... because of a lot of contact, they will fall in love with each other over time?"

[The system cannot answer for the player]

The innocent mechanical sound made Yan Huan want to roll up his sleeves and blow up this broken system!
She had no choice but to compromise, "Then I choose... I choose 3."

There's no way, she feels that if she has more contacts, she will always fall in love with each other.

Besides, number 3 is Ome!
The feelings of childhood sweethearts have existed since childhood.

[Is the player sure to choose No. 3? 】

Yan Huan gritted his teeth, "Sure!"

[Transmission starts! 】


Consciousness revived.

When Yan Huan woke up, he was lying on the soft and comfortable long sofa, leaning on a pillow, and had an air-conditioned thin quilt on his body.

She looked around, the latest variety show was playing on the LCD TV, and there was a fruit plate on the glass coffee table, sliced ​​watermelon, watching it was very refreshing.

The vertical air conditioner in the corner shows 24 degrees on the screen.

She yawned, almost understanding what was going on.

Probably at her house.

The sound of ping-pong-pong came out from the kitchen. She lifted the air-conditioning blanket and looked for the sound.

The kitchen door was not closed, and dozens of dumplings were neatly placed on the table next to it. In the kitchen, a middle-aged woman wearing an apron was holding a plate of raw dumplings and putting them in the hot water pot.

Yan Huan explained the development circle, tied his messy hair into a neat ponytail, and thoughtfully said, "Mom, let me make dumplings."

The middle-aged woman turned her head in surprise, in disbelief.

"Luoqing, what did you call me?"

Yan Huan was stunned.

What is this reaction?
I just heard her call mother, why is it like seeing a ghost? !

Could it be... Isn't this her mother? !

Yan Huan pursed her lower lip, not knowing what to say.

Seeing her embarrassed face, the middle-aged woman smiled indifferently, "You can call me mom, after all, I watched you grow up, besides..."

The middle-aged woman quickly put the dumplings into the hot water pot, turned her head and smiled softly at Yan Huan.

"I only have one son, Xuan Ce. Although we are neighbors, I have always treated you as my own daughter."

 Thank you Nuanxin or Tianqing for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you ice cream for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 198 book coins for attacking~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mu Xi. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengpao for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thank you, Miss, for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Ambition for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank You Sheng for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you for the beautiful tears for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Meow Xiaoyu for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thanks to Muyang M for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Siyi for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for the memory of the past for rewarding 1688 book coins~

  [Thank you for inviting Damengzi to eat Lantern Festival during the Lantern Festival~]

  [Every festive season, I gain three catties...]

  [New dimension! ! !I hope you will like it! ! !Anxious...]

(End of this chapter)

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