Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 608 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 608 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (2)

Yan Huan:? ? ?

Xuance? ? ?

This strategy plane is Baili Xuance?
The middle-aged woman looked at her confused, and smiled softly, "Go to the living room and sit and watch TV. I'll call you when the dumplings are ready."

Yan Huan went back to the living room in embarrassment, her face burning hot.


This is Xuan Ce's mother, and he actually called her mother just now?
God, she doesn't think she has any plans for her son, does she?

Although I had my own intentions...

[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】


In this plane, Yan Huan is Baili Xuance's young plum, Lin Luoqing.

She and Baili Xuance have been neighbors for more than ten years. They were childhood sweethearts. When she was a child, Lin Luoqing was fat and chubby. Baili Xuance was only half her weight.

Okay, so she's not Xiao Qingmei.

It is a heavyweight Ome.

Yan Huan looked down at her figure. Fortunately, she had already passed the stage of baby fat. After three years of torture in high school, she has lost a lot of weight now.

The childhood sweethearts of Daqingmei and Xiaozhuma, according to the development of the plot, should be childhood sweethearts, become loving lovers, then get married and have children, and reach the pinnacle of happy life.

But the little bamboo horse Baili Xuance was discovered by scouts when he was 14 years old, and soon debuted as a singer, and now he is the hottest little fresh meat in China.


The childhood sweethearts were torn apart just like that.

One has become an unattainable superstar, and the other is an ordinary senior high school graduate.

They haven't had any contact in the past four years. Baili Xuance is in the rising stage of his career and is very busy and rarely goes home. Lin Luoqing's three years in high school are obsessed with studying and are also very busy.

Occasionally met in the corridor several times, he was wearing a peaked cap and black mask, only showing a pair of dark red eyes, nodded to her, and left in a hurry, as a greeting.

The trajectories of life have been staggered, and it is estimated will be difficult to overlap again.

He makes his big star.

She makes her little transparent.


The character of Yujie Qingmei given by the system obviously means that the chance of contacting the strategy character is 10 points!

The system lied to her again?

"Lost love? Come eat dumplings!"

Xuan Ce's mother in the restaurant was calling her, Yan Huan just picked up a piece of watermelon, before he had time to chew it, he silently put it back.

"Come on!"

In the huge restaurant, there were only her and Xuance's mother.

Tomorrow Yan Huan will report to the university, Xuan Ce's mother has liked her since she was a child, and specially made her favorite dumplings tonight.

"The Eighteenth Change of the Lost Love Girls' University. If you go to a new school, there will definitely be a large number of suitors behind you."

Xuan Ce's mother poured vinegar on her, her eyes were full of love for her.

Yan Huan smiled embarrassedly, "There are many beautiful girls in college, but I'm just so-so..."

Xuan Ce's mother looked at her for a long time, her eyes were far away.

"Luoqing has gone to college, and has become a grown-up girl. I still remember when you and Xuan Ce were young, we used to play together every day. Now..."

She shook her head and sighed, "I should have disagreed if I had known that the scout scouted Xuance to become a star, but now, I don't see him several times a year."

Yan Huan pawed at the dumplings in the bowl, and comforted softly, "Being a star is also his job, and he misses you too, and wants to come back to see you, but he's too busy to help..."

Xuan Ce's mother patted her hand, her eyes lit up, "A few days ago, I heard that he said that he would go to some school for further study. During the period of study, he can come back to see me often."

 Thank you Xuetangying for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Tianke. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Fleeting Ancient Alley - reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Chuxi for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  Thank you Liluoi for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thanks to Muyang M for rewarding 999 book coins~

  Thanks to Su Qi for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Xiao Zong Jiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mo Shang for rewarding 1999 book coins~

  [Holding the cuties is a [-]-meter hurdle sprint! 】

  Congratulations to [初見i] cutie for becoming the sixth elder in this book! ! !
  Congratulations to [Mo Shang] cutie for becoming the No.13 hall master of this book! ! !
  Sit on the thigh and pass the ice to the big guys...

(End of this chapter)

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