Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 609 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 609 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (3)

The weather at the beginning of September was unbearably hot, the scorching sun hung high, and the scorching sunshine cast gave people a feeling of flying into the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

Yan Huan dragged the suitcase and got out of the taxi. She took out the parasol from the satchel, held the umbrella with one hand, and dragged the suitcase into the gate of S University with the other hand.

A red banner hangs at the school gate: welcome new students!
Yan Huan wiped the sweat off his forehead, and politely asked the senior sister who had a volunteer sign hanging at the door, "Excuse can I get to the Nanyuan dormitory building?"

The senior sister showed her the way enthusiastically, Yan Huan thanked her, made a note in her heart, and left with her suitcase.

"School girl?"

Running over from the other side was a short, short, plump boy with black-rimmed glasses. The weather was hot, his face was very oily, and the tip of his nose glistened in the sun.

Yan Huan waited on the spot, looking at him for no reason.

The boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, grinned friendlyly, "Sister, you have so much luggage, can I help you carry it?"

He tried his best to make himself smile friendly, but the eyes behind the thick lenses had a lewd and obscene feeling.

Yan Huan resolutely refused, smiling politely and distantly, "Thank you senior, I can do it by myself."

She dragged the suitcase, turned around and left quickly, and the senior followed him unwillingly, nagging.

"You freshmen are not familiar with the campus. Are you going to the Nanyuan dormitory building? I'll take you there!"

"We are volunteers, and it is our responsibility to serve you new students!"

"Your suitcase is so big. You are a little girl, and it is too hard to drag it. Let me help you. I am strong and can carry it..."

This senior was long-winded, he was even more long-winded than a woman.

The weather was already unbearably hot, and there was a boy next to him who kept buzzing and harassing, Yan Huan's face turned cold, but the senior didn't notice it, he was still talking.

Yan Huan stopped in her tracks, turned around and looked at him coldly.

The senior laughed, Yan Huan picked up the suitcase with one hand in front of him, supported it with his right hand, and carried it on his shoulder.

She had no expression on her face, and said domineeringly, "You may not believe it, I can carry this kind of suitcase on each shoulder, and I can run up to the seventh floor without panting."

Senior:. . .

She pulled the corner of her lower lip with a fake smile, "Senior, let's help those weak freshmen."

Senior:. . .

The heart was hit.

This girl grew up soft and weak, mature and glamorous, but she has such great strength?

What is a word called?

King Kong Barbie.

Yes, this school girl is simply a King Kong Barbie!

The senior looked back at her a few more times, feeling that the three views had been refreshed.

King Kong Barbie Yan Huan followed the guidance of her senior, dragged her suitcase and walked around the campus for 10 minutes before reaching the entrance of the Nanyuan dormitory building.

I have to say that the university campus is really big!
If it wasn't for her good memory, she would have lost her way in this huge campus.

Her dormitory is in Building 3, 408.




Yan Huan managed to find 3 buildings, picked up the suitcase and entered the building.

The dormitory aunt on the first floor was not there, probably because she was too busy to report to all the freshmen today.

Yan Huan dragged the suitcase through the long corridor, and vaguely heard the boy's rough voice.

She was surprised for a moment, but before she could react, a boy came down from the middle stairs.

That's right, boys!
 Thank you, please call me Ergouzi (朱景) for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you ice cream for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yushi. Reward 688 book coins~

  [Take a sip~ I will be more careful to everyone]

(End of this chapter)

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