Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 617 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 617 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (11)

"Aren't you? The mental health education class in your art department is on Friday night, besides..."

Yan Huan glanced at him like he was insane, "You don't need to take a big class, the teacher will teach you one-on-one."

Baili Xuance raised his chin slightly, and said in a domineering tone, "I am willing to take a big class, why can't I? I paid the tuition."

Yan Huan:. . .

"Brother, if you want to take a big class, don't come to our foreign language school's big class, and don't sit with me, okay?"

Baili Xuance snorted coldly, glanced at Yan Huan's helpless look, frowned, and went back to the dormitory humming.

Yan Huan:. . .

She stood at the door of the cafeteria, fluttered by the wind.

She kinda... doesn't want to go to tonight's class.

How about... let Xuan Ce and that male classmate love each other and attend mental health education class together?
I'm afraid that Xuance's mentality will be completely unhealthy after finishing the lecture.

Thinking, thinking, thinking.

In the end, Yan Huan asked her roommate to ask the evening class teacher for leave on the grounds that she had a stomach ache.

She was about to send a text message to tell Xuan Ce, but the takeaway phone rang just in time, she answered the phone, happily went downstairs to get the takeaway, and happily went back to the dormitory to eat the takeaway.

I completely forgot about sending text messages to Xuan Ce...


As night fell, it ushered in the rare coolness of the day. On summer nights, insects chirped in the flower beds downstairs one after another. Yan Huan ate and drank enough, took a shower, turned on the air conditioner, and was content to watch a drama with his computer in his arms.


The phone vibrated.

She was watching the male protagonist Bidong female protagonist in the TV series, her whole girl's heart was filled with pink bubbles, she pulled the phone with a blushing face, dragged out the end of the sound, and her voice was silly.


Baili Xuance was standing by the flower bed of the female dormitory building. He looked up and saw the 408 dormitory with lights on.

Very good, Lin Luoqing, how dare you let him go? !

Promising, great.

Xuance's face became darker and darker, his hair was blown by the night wind, and a few strands were blocked in front of his eyes, and his deep dark red pupils were a little more mysterious and treacherous.

He didn't take off his mask, his deep voice was cold, and through the screen, Yan Huan shook his hands coldly, spilling the whole bag of potato chips on his lap!
"you come down."

Three cold and short words.

Next, there is a busy beep.

Yan Huan's little heart skipped a beat.


It was Baili Xuance's voice!

It's over! It's over!

She suddenly remembered that she forgot to send a text message to tell him that she didn't go to class!
The male and female protagonists in the TV series embrace each other, kiss happily and sweetly, and the pink bubbles in Yan Huan's heart explode like crackling firecrackers.

She only felt that next year's today would be her memorial day.

Go down, or not go down?

This is a question QAQ
Yan Huan chattered for a while, stepped on his slippers, and walked downstairs slowly with a face of death.

Tonight, there will be a wonderful performance downstairs in the 3rd dormitory building of Nanyuan Women's Dormitory.

The heroine, Yan Huan, the hero, Baili Xuance.

The content of the show is that the male protagonist kills the female protagonist in a fancy way.

When Yan Huan left the dormitory, he saw Baili Xuance standing by the flower bed.

The night wind messed up his hair, and the street lamps elongated his figure. He was tall and thin, and the dim street lamps blurred his brows and eyes, but the eyes he stared at Yan Huan were so hot that they could burn a hole in her body. .

Yan Huan swallowed hard, and stood at the door of the dormitory building, not daring to approach, let alone go back.

 Thanks to Gloomy for rewarding 1888 book coins~

  Thank you Cai Wenji for rewarding 498 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengpao for rewarding 2088 book coins~

  Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 99 book coins for attacking~

  [Plop into her arms and rub her chest flat!whee】

(End of this chapter)

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