Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 618 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 618 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (12)

Yan Huanqing coughed twice, pretended to be calm, and walked in front of Xuan Ce.

"Today I……"

Baili Xuance grabbed her wrist and dragged her to Nanyuan Stadium.

Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°; Damn!

There wasn't even a light there. Could it be that he wanted to beat her to death and throw her body away?

"Hey, hey! Where are you dragging me?!"

You control how much you send! ! !

After exercising in the stadium, some students walked towards the dormitory one after another. Yan Huan and Baili Xuance, who were retrograde, arrived at the gate of the stadium in a strange and eye-catching posture.

Yan Huan almost lost her slippers... (囧)
There are no street lights around the stadium, the playground is pitch black, and many students are running in it.

Yan Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

Luckily someone, if no one...

She would really suspect that Tsundere Xuan Ce would beat her to death in a fit of anger!
He clasped her wrist with great strength, Yan Huan was glad that her bones were hard, otherwise she wouldn't be crushed now...

Xuan Ce dragged her into the playground. On the artificial grass, there were sweet couples embracing each other. She and Baili Xuance stood in the middle, standing out from the crowd.

The atmosphere of the confrontation was oppressive, Baili Xuance let go, Yan Huan silently withdrew his pinched wrist, and mourned inwardly.

He pulled off his mask and stared at Yan Huan, his breathing was unsteady, his dark red pupils were deep, and he gritted his teeth.

"Lin Luoqing, sometimes I really want, really want..."

Yan Huan nodded obediently, voluntarily admitting.

"I know, you really want to kill me."

Xuan Ce snorted coldly, "It's good that you know, if it wasn't for murdering and breaking the law, tell me how many times you have been beaten to death by me since you were young?"

Yan Huan:. . .

If it weren't for murder...

You are really upright... ([-]_[-])
"I'm not feeling well tonight, so I asked my roommate to ask me for leave. I was going to text you, but it turned out..."

Yan Huan smiled awkwardly, "The takeaway is here, I forgot..."

Xuance:. . .

So he can't compare to a takeaway she ordered, right?
He took a long, deep breath.

Don't be angry, there is nothing to be angry about.

Otherwise, sooner or later he would be pissed off by Lin Luoqing!

He shook his head, so angry that he was helpless, his eyes were already flat.

"Lin Luoqing, you are really... You are definitely reincarnated from a pig."

Yan Huan raised her eyes, her tall figure was covered in a wide nightgown, her long hair was fluttering in the wind, her lips curled up slightly, her voice was misty and cold, and her voice was full of natural aggressiveness.

"Then me too, the delicate piggy girl."

The crisp low-pitched voice and rising voice, coupled with her indifferent and ascetic face, made her a bit forceful and undeniable.

Although what she said was witty.

Baili Xuance was stunned for a moment.

He was still not used to this kind of Lin Luoqing, but inexplicably, he was attracted by this kind of Lin Luoqing.

He came back to his senses, but fortunately in the darkness, he couldn't see his slightly blushing face, Baili Xuance sneered and spoke maliciously.

"What pig girl, you are Zhu Bajie!"

Yan Huan pursed his lips, frowned, and locked his throat to turn around to strangle Xuan Ce's neck, but he dodged and dodged.

Heh, this product belongs to loach!
He curled his lips into a smile, his eyes were teasing, and he spoke deliberately provocatively.

"Tsk, I found that the name Zhu Bajie is much more fluent than the name of the little chubby girl before."

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 20]

Yan Huan's heart: I can increase my favorability for Zhu Bajie, Xuance, your taste is really serious...

 Thank you for the 10000 book coin award for your favorite Yun Hua Da! ! !

  [Warm up the bed for Big Brother Yun Hua, pass fruit for Big Brother Yun Hua, pinch his legs and beat his back for Big Brother Yun Hua]

  【Favorites from Mengmeng】

  [Every time I see Yun Hua and Yan Wan's red and bright leader logo, I feel a little flustered in my heart, feeling like I'm being illuminated by the glory of the party...]

(End of this chapter)

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