Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 626 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 626 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (20)

【For His Highness the Seventh Highness Lelega~】

Yan Huan and Baili Xuance got into the car, and the fiery eyes stuck behind their backs were finally blocked from the car.

Xuan Ce took off his mask, his cheeks were hot red, he took out a wet towel and wiped the sweat off his face, his eyes looked disgusted, "Is that your roommate?"

Yan Huan fastened his seat belt, pursed his lips, helpless and powerless, "Yes."

Although I really don't want to admit that Wu Ruoqin is her roommate.

The eyes that stared straight at Baili Xuance just now were completely glued to the eyeballs, okay?

"Tsk tsk, you have been with such a roommate for a long time, will your IQ be affected?"

Yan Huan glanced at him, his eyes were cold, his long eyes were flat and unwavering, but inexplicably possessed a domineering sharpness.

"Even if my IQ is affected by her, it is still higher than yours."

Baili Xuance put on his sunglasses, and smiled slyly, "If you don't want to live with such a weirdo, you can live with me."

Yan Huan leaned back on the seat, and asked what he had been wondering all along.

"Don't you have a separate dormitory at S University? Why do you have a house there?"

Baili Xuance was driving the car, with a serious and focused face, and he answered her words casually, "The dormitory is too small, and it's uncomfortable to live in. I usually go back to the dormitory for a break at noon after class."

Yan Huan:. . .

Well, the same sentence, rich, willful!
He turned his head and smiled at her, "So, are you going to live with me?"

Yan Huan snorted coldly, "I'll live there, if you live in a dormitory, I'm willing to live in your dormitory."

Baili Xuance raised his eyebrows, startled, "Wow, you woman is so vicious, I kindly want to help you out of the sea of ​​suffering, but you still want to occupy my house, occupy my bed, and drive me to sleep in the dormitory." plank bed?"


Yan Huan also raised his eyebrows, an unnatural blush appeared on his face.

"I live in a room with you? What kind of words are that!"

Baili Xuance blurted out, "We have slept together many times before!"

Yan Huan:. . .

Xuan Ce realized what he had blurted out, and fell silent.

have slept together many times before...

I didn't think it was a big deal when I said this before. At that time, I was young and ignorant. When I said it now, the atmosphere was full of embarrassment, and the strange emotions in his heart also stirred.

Xuan Ce blushed.

Fortunately, the sunglasses blocked most of his face, so he couldn't see his blushing face.

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 40]

Originally, Yan Huan felt embarrassed, but when her favorability increased, she felt even more embarrassed!

Why not face Wu Ruoqin's bored face when she went back to the dormitory just now!
It's better than being embarrassed and overwhelmed right now?

Xuan Ce pretended to look in the rearview mirror and observed the road conditions, as if nothing had happened, he cleared his throat and said.

"I mean, I have a lot of spare rooms. There are two guest rooms. You can stay in the guest rooms temporarily."

He seemed to deliberately cover up something, and added an extra sentence, "After all our relationship for so many years, I really can't stand you living with that kind of roommate."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyes were embarrassed, she brushed her hair unnaturally, smiled with her lips raised, and the look in his eyes made Xuance feel guilty.

"Are you so kind?"

Her probing protracted ending made Xuan Ce's spine numb, and he felt uncomfortable sitting on pins and needles in the seat. He raised his voice, as if he was angry.

"Why can't I be kind? Our relationship for so many years..."

Yan Huan interrupted him, and looked at him leisurely, half-closed his long eyes jokingly, but inexplicably oppressed.

"What's the relationship between us for so many years?"

 Thank you Xiaojinzhu for rewarding 300 book coins~

  【Good night?Good morning?Anyway, it’s Ann~]

  [I promised to add two more chapters, and Xiuxian will also add more! QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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