Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 627 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness

Chapter 627 Childhood sweetheart or something is the reason for willfulness (21)

There was a clear green light at the intersection ahead, Xuance slammed on the brakes, and with a screech, Yan Huan rushed forward due to inertia, and was almost strangled by the seat belt!
"Cough, cough, cough!"

She was strangled and coughed a few times, glared at him angrily, and ground her teeth, "Baili Xuance, are you colorblind? The light is green, why are you stepping on the brakes?"

Baili Xuance held the steering wheel. In the quiet car, his heart was beating wildly, but he pursed his lips and pretended nothing had happened.

Crazy crazy.

His heart is crazy!
The playful long eyes she raised just now, and the meaningful question, his mind suddenly went blank, so...he stepped on the brakes.


Several cars in the back honked their horns one after another to urge him to leave quickly, but Baili Xuance didn't seem to hear him, he pursed his lips and smiled, his tone was as usual, although his heart was beating like a drum.

"What is our relationship? Our good brothers for so many years, good buddies!"

Yan Huan raised her eyebrows, a smile that was not a smile, her long eyes were dimly lit, she slightly raised the corners of her lips, her lowered voice was bewitching.

"Is it?"

Xuan Ce hesitated.

He himself couldn't figure out his feelings for Lin Luoqing.

But as arrogant as him, even if he has a little affection, he will not admit it. If Lin Luoqing knows, wouldn't he be very embarrassed and ashamed?

The horns of the vehicles behind were getting louder and louder. Some drivers impatiently stretched out their heads and scolded him. Baili Xuance raised his hand and pushed down his sunglasses, and drove through the intersection before the red light came on.

"That's right, our indestructible revolutionary friendship, in the old society, would be a sworn brother who would sacrifice his blood!"

Yan Huan:. . .

I kind of want to get out of the car, I don't want to sit in the same car with this sullen and arrogant guy.

She pondered, nodded as if approving, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, the meaning was unknown, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly turned cold.

Xuance's spine went numb, and he silently raised the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees.

Yan Huan looked at him coldly, he was obviously nervous, but deliberately pretended to be indifferent.

Good buddy, good buddy, right?
Still begging to be sworn?

Yes, Baili Xuance, already has 40 favorability points, and still stubbornly refuses to admit it.

If one day you fall in love with my good brother and cannot extricate yourself, I will bend your sexual orientation!

The elevator stopped on the 16th floor. When Baili Xuance took out his room key card to open the door, he slipped his hand and dropped the key card. He didn't look at Yan Huan directly when he entered the room, and raised his finger to get off the sofa.

"I'm going to take a shower, you watch TV."

Along the way, his heart was depressed and agitated, the air conditioner was cool, mixed with the scent of lemon, which did not calm his awkward mind at all.

He said they were good brothers, good buddies, but he regretted it after he finished speaking.

He's not a good brother, so what could it be?

He didn't want to admit that he had a crush on Lin Luoqing, but he wanted Lin Luoqing to know that he had a crush on her and she couldn't fall in love with others.

Now this matter is really impossible to explain clearly.

Baili Xuance turned on the shower, and hot water poured over his body. He lowered his head, scratched his hair irritably, and let out a long sigh.

The sound of splashing water in the bathroom ended, Baili Xuance put on his clothes, absently wiped his hair with a towel, and thought about how to ask Lin Luoqing how he felt about him, but in the end...

Yan Huan on the sofa was sleeping soundly.

Baili Xuance only felt that he had tangled up for so long, and he just punched cotton.

The heroine doesn't care at all, he treats her as a brother, or as a crush!

 Thanks to Shuangyueye for rewarding 599 book coins~

  Thank you_Yaoyao Jinzhao for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Luoge for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xiaoxiao Qingruo for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 200 book coins for attacking~

  [Closer!Then do it!Hee hee hee】

  Thank you Nanwang i10000 Book Coin Awards! ! !

  Congratulations to [Nan Wang i] cutie for becoming the sixth master of this book! ! !

  For 5 minutes after class, I have to secretly pamper Damengzi, do you want to spoil her so sweetly (〃〃)
(End of this chapter)

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