Chapter 700

On the way back to Xiayun Tower, under the warm sunshine, the soft sedan swayed lightly, and a few rays of sunlight that folded in from the window of the sedan chair fell gently on Yan Huan's lap, and the snow-colored skirt was dyed light gold. Looking at the golden touch on her legs, the corners of her lips curled up.

She likes the pale gold like Buddha's light, which makes her feel that she is closer to the inaccessible, sacred and illusory Bodhidharma.

He said that even if it took a lot of time and energy, he would redeem her from the brothel.

The confident An Ran's eyebrows and eyes were not alienated and cold at that moment, and an inexplicable throbbing joy surged in Yan Huan's heart.

There are so many poor women in Xiayun Tower who are forced to commit themselves to becoming prostitutes, but... Bodhidharma is only obsessed with saving her.

They met by chance, he carried her down the mountain, and rescued her from the sea of ​​suffering, so, he treats her differently, right?

Although he doesn't have much affection or liking for her now, as long as she is treated differently, Yan Huan will be satisfied and happy.

The soft sedan stopped at the entrance of Xiayun Tower, and she helped Lan Chun's hand to get off the sedan chair. People as dull as Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi could clearly feel her overjoyed.

Could it be that when the monk talked to her alone, he said that he wanted to redeem her from Xiayun Tower, so Miss Yan'er was so happy?

Xiao Liu was careful, after Yan Huan went back to the wing room on the third floor, he went to Aunt Qing and told everything about everything that happened today, including Rong Yi's initiative to help Miss Yan'er release the paper kite.

Aunt Qing was drawing her eyebrows in front of the bronze mirror, her expression calm, "Redemption for Yan'er? I'm afraid it's a fool's dream, how can Yan'er be redeemed for just 100 taels, this monk is really wishful thinking!"

She changed the subject, and her face became puzzled.

"Rongyi... Tsk, this name does sound familiar."

Aunt Qing suddenly thought of something, her hands trembled excitedly, and the eyebrow pencil in her hand drew a long mark from her eyebrows to her forehead.

"Rong Yi! Are you sure his name is Rong Yi?!"

Xiao Liu was a little confused about her excitement, but nodded affirmatively.

Aunt Qing slapped her thigh!
"Ouch! I want to get rich!"

She happily twisted her veil and walked back and forth in the room, "Hurry up, call Yan'er over here, I have to tell her something!"

Just as Xiao Liu opened the door to go to the third floor to call Yan Huan, Yan Huan happened to have reached the door of Aunt Qing's room.

Yan Huan nodded, with a calm face, "I have something to say to Aunt Qing."

Aunt Qing came out from inside to welcome Yan Huan's arm, and said flatteringly, "Let's go in and talk if you have anything to say. You're hungry and thirsty after going out for an outing? Just tell Mom what you want to eat!"

Yan Huan felt a chill all over her body, she frowned and pulled her arm out of Aunt Qing's hand, "I'm neither hungry nor thirsty, I just have something to say to you."

Now Aunt Qing can't wait to confess her like her ancestor, so she hurriedly drove Xiao Liu and Lan Chun out, poured a cup of hot tea for Yan Huan and handed it to her.

The jasmine petals floated up and down, and the hot steam was filled with a refreshing fragrance. Yan Huan didn't drink the tea, but put the teacup back on the table, his face softened in discussion, and he lowered his eyes and said calmly.

"Aunt Qing, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Aunt Qing rolled her eyes, and smiled caringly and affectionately, "Speak up, good boy, if you have anything to say, Aunt Qing loves you, so there is nothing to discuss or not to discuss."

Yan Huan scoffed at what she said, and after a while she spoke of her request, Aunt Qing didn't look so good.

 Thank you for your favorite Yun Hua, who rewards you with 200 book coins for attacking~

  [Daily taken care of by Yun Huahua ~ hee hee hee]

(End of this chapter)

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