Chapter 701

The room was burning with an unknown fragrance of flowers and trees, the smell was a bit strong, Yan Huan gently shook the round fan, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Aunt Qing, it's fine for me to stay in Xiayun Tower. I can keep quiet and earn money for you obediently, but... I won't accompany the guests for the time being."

She said that straight to the point, without beating around the bush at all.

She really wanted to see what Aunt Qing's expression would be like when she heard her words, when she treated her like her own daughter and cared for her just now.

fly into a rage?


I'm afraid she can't wait to get a few needles on her like Nanny Rong did!
Aunt Qing was taken aback by her straight-to-the-point statement, "You mean... not staying overnight with the guests?"

Yan Huan raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were very firm, "I don't want to spend the night with guests, but I don't want to drink and eat with guests, but if guests want to listen to music, I can sit behind the beaded curtain and play the pipa or play the piano. Sing a song..."

Aunt Qing's face darkened, and in an instant, she smiled flatteringly again, "You said just now... that you are temporarily not accompanying guests? In the future, you can..."

Yan Huan reluctantly nodded her head, her eyes flashed the dark light, she lowered her eyes, and her tone couldn't tell the emotion, "Yes, I don't accompany the guests now, I just sing and perform. After all, I just came in and I feel a little... Aunt Qing can fulfill my wish."

Aunt Qing narrowed her eyes with a smile, grabbed Yan Huan's hand, patted it affectionately, and said in a soft tone, "Of course you can. Whenever you want to accompany the guest, I will ask you to accompany the guest again. Aunt Qing, I love you like a girl." Well, how can I be willing to make you feel uncomfortable?"

Yan Huan didn't expect her to agree so quickly.

She prepared a lot of words, and now she has no chance to say it, so she confirmed again, "Aunt Qing, did you really agree?"

Aunt Qing pursed her lips, her eyes seemed to be accusing, "Don't you believe what I say? It's really not possible, I will give you a written proof in black and white, okay?"

Yan Huan's eyes darkened a little.

It's strange, isn't Aunt Qing bringing her back just to use her as a cash cow?Now I promise to let her not accompany the guests, but instead of accompanying the guests, she just plays the piano and sings. How much money can this earn her?

You can't believe everything that Aunt Qing says, you still have to be careful.

Yan Huan smiled, and took Aunt Qing's hand, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Aunt Qing just agree, and I will obediently listen to you from now on."

The two exchanged a few hypocritical words with each other. Aunt Qing sent her out of the room, held her hand and smiled, "Whoever is not serving you well, just come and tell me, and I'll replace you."

Yan Huan pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes were cold, and he went up to the third floor with Lan Chun, Xiao Liu asked curiously, "Aunt Qing, did she come to ask you about the monk's plan to redeem her?"

Aunt Qing sneered, and rolled her eyes at him, "How can someone say it so directly, she is here to beg me not to let her accompany the guests for the time being!"


Aunt Qing glanced at the dazed Xiao Liu, shook off the veil, and closed the door angrily, "Not only that, I also promised her!"

Xiao Liu was even more stunned.

Aunt Qing has changed her gender?Treat the girls in the building well in the future?

"If it wasn't for that Mr. Rong took a fancy to her, I wouldn't be following her to please her!"

Aunt Qing picked up the cup of tea that she had given Yan Huan to drink, drank it in two gulps, and gritted her teeth angrily.

Xiao Liu was puzzled, "Then Mr. Rong...does he have a big background?"

Aunt Qing smiled meaningfully, "The background of Mr. Rong, if you tell me, it will scare you to death!"

 Thank you Millennium for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to my confidant g for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you that no one will like my reward of 588 book coins~

  【Be careful with the bosses】

(End of this chapter)

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