Chapter 703

The next morning.

Yan Huan was still immersed in a dream, when she was woken up by Lanchun's rapid knock on the door, she hummed twice, covered herself with a quilt and continued to sleep, Lanchun had no choice but to bite the bullet and push the door open by herself.

When she saw that Yan Huan was still sleeping, she felt a little headache.

The girl is good everywhere, but...she likes to stay in bed in the morning.

"Girl, it's time to get up..."

Yan Huan was vague and perfunctory, "Oh, I have nothing to do today, let me sleep again..."


Lanchun anxiously twisted the handkerchief, "Girl, that Mr. Rong who accompanied us to release the paper kite yesterday, he..."

Yan Huan finally lifted the quilt, and said in surprise with sleepy eyes, "What? Something happened to him? Did something happen to him after the kite was released yesterday? Did he die suddenly? My God! That's none of our business!"

Lanchun:. . .

She couldn't help her forehead, "What did the girl say, that Mr. Rong actually went to Xiayun Tower, and asked to see you, girl!"


Yan Huan was so excited that he almost jumped out of bed!
What kind of monster is that Mr. Rong? !
Can this find her? !
No no no!Absolutely don't let Aunt Qing know that Mr. Rong came to her by name!

She just told Aunt Qing yesterday that she would not accompany the guests during this time, and Aunt Qing also agreed, but suddenly someone like Mr. Rong appeared, who looked like a second-generation wealthy local tycoon, Aunt Qing might not keep her promise!

No no no!

Yan Huan threw off the quilt and jumped out of the bed, before he even had time to put on his shoes and socks, he hurriedly put on his clothes.

She pushed Lanchun away, "Where are others? Go and stop him! Stop him at the door, and don't let Aunt Qing know that he came to me by name!"

With a bitter face, Lan Chun lowered her head and whispered, "It's too late. When I came over, Aunt Qing was going downstairs..."

Yan Huan:. . .

She sat back on the bed weakly, and scratched her long hair irritably.

Where did this trouble come from!

If I had known that I shouldn't have gone out for an outing yesterday, what a coincidence that I ran into such a brown candy!
But if she hadn't gone outing yesterday, she wouldn't have met Bodhidharma, and she wouldn't have known that he had really been trying to save her life...

Yan Huan sighed for a long time, her head was disturbed, she couldn't think of what to do now, so she lay back on the bed, pulled the quilt over her head, and opened her mouth in a muffled voice.

"Just go down and tell him to wait before I get up."

Lan Chun glanced at the raised quilt on the bed, bit her lips helplessly, and went downstairs reluctantly.

The girl is so reluctant, what time is it, she is unwilling to get up even though a young master called her by name.

Although Aunt Qing loved the girl very much, she still used her as a cash cow. If Aunt Qing found out, she would definitely be punished.

The girl is so kind and friendly, Lanchun doesn't want her to be punished.

When Lanchun went downstairs, Aunt Qing was sitting with Mr. Rong in the lobby. With that flattering and courteous appearance, Lanchun could tell with just a glance that Aunt Qing liked this Mr. Rong very much. He was either rich or powerful. .

"Where's your girl? Why didn't you come down?"

Aunt Qing's tone was soft, but her eyes were sharp and displeased. Lan Chun hurriedly saluted with a worried tone.

"The girl is not feeling well. Maybe she was greedy for the cold last night. She opened the window and left it on before going to bed. Now she is a bit cold."

Before Aunt Qing could speak, Rong stood up anxiously and asked a series of questions.

"Did she catch a cold? Did she catch a cold? Does it matter? Did you call the doctor?"

 Thanks to the sad Liu Ji for rewarding 800 book coins~

  Thank you for rewarding 200 book coins~

  【Hold and rub...】

  [After the qq reading update, it has completely changed!I don't understand the activity level at all, the boss of Yun Hua has 150 million, but bang...]

  【Important! ! ! 】

  [Tomorrow, I plan to update it, everyone, please bomb Mengmeng’s book review area to make Xianyumeng add updates. Since the start of school, I feel that the coding speed is extremely slow, need everyone to hold a blade to urge QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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